National Audio 11:25 AM ET

NAT057 – (US-Starbucks-New-Cups)
UNDATED. x–38s. (Haya Panjwani (hi-YUH’ punj-WAH’-nee) Starbucks is rolling out new cups. (SOURCE:The Associated Press)

NAT058 – (US-Trump-Hush-Money)
NEW YORK. x–31s. (Mark Remillard) The status of a second juror in Donald Trump’s hush money case has been called into question after he failed to report to court this morning to address the accuracy of some of his responses to questions on Tuesday. (SOURCE:ABC)

NAT059 – (Killer-Whale-Calf)
ZEBALLOS, B.C. x–17s. A Nanaimo, B-C woman is trying to entice a stranded female killer whale calf out of a remote tidal lagoon by serenading her with tunes on her violin. Canadian military veteran Carol Love says she will continue standing on a bridge every high tide in hopes the young orca will hear her violin and pass under the bridge to the freedom of the open ocean.
(“..the lagoon.”) (SOURCE:The Canadian Press)

TAG: Love’s impromptu violin concerts come as rescue teams plan another attempt to net the young killer whale calf and transfer it to the ocean and a potential reunion with her extended family.

The Canadian Press