NDP leader urges Trudeau to stand up to 'fascist' Trump

NDP leader Tom Mulcair is calling on Justin Trudeau to to take a stand against Donald Trump's proposal to ban many refugees from the U.S. Photo from CP
NDP leader Tom Mulcair is calling on Justin Trudeau to take a stand against Donald Trump’s proposal to ban many refugees from entering the U.S. Photo from The Canadian Press

NDP leader Tom Mulcair is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take a stand against Donald Trump’s plan to bar refugees and immigrants from entering the U.S., the Globe and Mail reports.

“I didn’t wait for Mr. Trump to get elected to denounce him. I was very clear that his behaviour was the behaviour of a fascist,” Mr. Mulcair reportedly said at a press conference in Ottawa Thursday.

Mulcair has been a vocal opponent of what he calls Trump’s “nationalistic and authoritarian” government since publicly condemning his behaviour last March in a video to party supporters.

“Going after people based on their religion is classic behaviour of a fascist. Ruling by decree instead of going to your elected officials is again a reflex of someone who doesn’t respect the fundamental nature of a democratic society,” Mulcair said, according to the newspaper.

Trump has proposed a suspension on all visas from people in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the U.S. has a tougher vetting process for immigrants, a move that hints at his campaign promise to completely ban foreign Muslims from entering the country.

Trump has denied allegations that the suspension is a Muslim ban. Rather, he said, it was a way to handle terror-linked countries.

“I find it shameful that we’re seeing that in this day and age,” Mulcair reportedly said.

“I’m hoping that Canada’s prime minister, who talks a good game when it comes to international human rights, will actually have the courage to stand up to Mr. Trump and denounce the fact that he is excluding people because of their religion, not because of anything they’ve done.”

Justin Trudeau has not addressed Trump’s proposal directly but has said that his approach to immigration is “open, and yet rigorous,” with security concerns also being addressed, the Globe reports.

“Canada will continue to do its small part by welcoming in people, but there’s a lot more that we need to continue to do in supporting countries that are significant [recipients] of refugees, whether it’s Jordan, Lebanon or Turkey, and doing what we can to counter the strife and conflict that is giving rise to so many refugees,” Trudeau reportedly said during a press conference in Winnipeg Thursday.

“Canada has a lot of things to do in the world and we’re happy to be playing our part.”