Nevada group proposes forcing teachers to wear body cameras to ensure they don't teach critical race theory
A group in Nevada is reportedly pushing for teachers to start wearing body cameras in classrooms to make sure they aren't "pushing politics."
A new report in The Associated Press describes a "debate over a proposal to expand the K-5 curriculum to include more teaching about equity, diversity and racism" in Nevada's Washoe County. The AP reports that while the Washoe County School District has said that "critical race theory" isn't a part of the curriculum, opponents argue that the "plans incorporate tenets of" it, and a similar debate has been unfolding in Carson City. As law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw explained to CNN, critical race theory is an "approach to grappling with a history of white supremacy that rejects the belief that what's in the past is in the past, and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it."
Amid this debate over the curriculum expansion, the AP reports that the Nevada Family Alliance has put forward a proposal to make sure teachers aren't "indoctrinating" students: outfitting them with body cameras.
"You guys have a serious problem with activist teachers pushing politics in the classroom, and there's no place for it, especially for our fifth graders," the group's executive director, Karen England, reportedly said.
England further claimed that body cameras would be the "best way to urge teachers to stick to traditional teaching," per Newsweek.
Opponents of the Washoe County School District curriculum proposal, according to the AP, camped outside of a board meeting on Wednesday, carrying signs reading "no CRT" and "CRT teachers racism," while those who support the additions also demonstrated. Superintendent Kristen McNeill recommended that a task force be convened to review the curriculum, according to the report, and that task force was approved on Wednesday. Read more at The Associated Press.