I never worked with anyone as dedicated to saving babies as Mark Gietzen | Commentary

I first met Mark Gietzen in April of 2008, the year I retired from Boeing AC company. I wanted to get involved with the pro-life movement ever since I watched the Summer of Mercy protests on TV at home, knowing I couldn’t do anything because I was active duty military at the time.

I stopped by the abortion clinic gate and saw lots of volunteers. Mark was there and asked me what shifts I would like to take.

I spent several years volunteering on whatever days he needed the most help.

I asked Mark about the crosses that were posted around the side and front of the clinic. I found out that he placed those crosses by hand every morning and collected them every evening, placing them neatly in the back of the Truth Truck, five days a week. I helped him with this many times after that.

I have always been so impressed with his dedication to the cause of saving babies’ lives.

He let nothing stand in the way of his cause: not rain, snow, heat or cold weather. He worked while always keeping the volunteers and their temperaments under control.

There were several people I was nervous about working with, but Mark talked to them because he knew only major problems could get us removed from the premises for good.

I remember before the pandemic we would often sing before or during shift changes outside of the clinic. He had copies of a booklet of songs he kept inside one of the log-in books, and there were also several prayers we could recite. I didn’t know the prayers too well, nor did I know many of the songs, but Mark invited me to join in with the group.

There were times he would get upset regarding city or state guidelines and requirements, but he always managed to keep himself under control.

I worked with Mark for so long because I had never worked with someone as dedicated as he was.

I was proud to know and work with Mark for the nearly 20 years I knew him.

Joseph Elmore is a member of The Eagle Editorial Advisory Board and the president of Wichita Black Republicans.