Nick Jonas reveals 'very rare' move you'll see from him and brother, Joe Jonas

Nick Jonas and his older brother, Joe Jonas, are considered to be two of the best dressed men in the music industry, but their personal styles could not be more different.

During a recent sit-down with AOL's Gibson Johns for JVxNJ, Nick's new fragrance collaboration with John Varvatos, the youngest of the Jonas Brothers explained that their styles have diverged so much from their early days in the industry that you'll really never see them shopping at the same places anymore.

"Nowadays, it’s very rare that we go to the same stores, to be honest," Nick told us. "That’s what is so great about our friendship and brotherhood: We are so different in so many ways, but we are so close, as well. I’m not really concerned that he’s going to be wearing the same thing as me, or vice versa. And I think that makes it fun."

Plus, there are still moments that they have similar interests when it comes to fashion. Case in point? At a fashion show earlier this year for Nick's capsule collection with Varvatos, he and Joe showed up wearing the same jacket from the collection.

"He loved the collaboration. On the day of the fashion show, he came out in the same jacket as me, and I actually had to ask him to change," he added with a laugh. "I was like, ‘Can you wear the other one?’ I passed his cool test."

See photos of Nick Jonas:

Nick's collaboration with Varvatos came to be after the two happened to sit next to each other at a dinner party last year, where they expressed that they were both already fans of one another. It was that genuine connection that propelled them to want to work together professionally.

"It just happened in a really organic way, which is what I think made it so special for both of us," Nick explained. "We said, ‘Let’s think beyond just fashion and music and think about other ways that we can collaborate.'"

In fact, their collaboration actually started beyond clothing and fragrance. Nick invited Varvatos, who has famously been incredibly supportive of musicians throughout his career, into the studio to listen to some of his latest material so that he could tell him what he thought of it.

"In a strange way, what was so great was that I felt so comfortable with John from the get-go that I allowed him into my creative world: He came into the studio and gave some comments on my new music and we sat and just talked music for a while," he revealed. "I was able to open up that way with him immediately, and it was great to see that on [the fragrance] front, he let give me my input without ever having had experience doing this before."

Indeed, working with Varvatos was Jonas' first true fashion collaboration, and the fact that he's such a natural match with Varvatos makes their work together stand out in a landscape that is full of collaborations between celebrities and designers. As Varvatos put it, because Nick was already a fan of his brand, it allowed for his design team to really take in the point of view of a consumer who was well-versed in the John Varvatos aesthetic.

"When we were working on the fashion, we were talking about the aura of what fragrance means to a man and what it meant to Nick, as well, which was really intriguing for me," Varvatos told us. "We look at things from our internal world, and it was great to have someone who was connected with us closely, but was also looking at it with his own individual point of view."

"Maybe it was that fresh take, because I was coming from a different angle and, really, because it was coming from a consumer," Jonas echoed. "I’ve been a fan of his work for a long time, and to be able to say what I like and don’t like allowed us to come together in a great way."

And, at the end of the day, who wouldn't want to smell like Nick Jonas?

"I also pride myself on being the best smelling man in show business," Nick joked. "That's self-proclaimed, so I felt it was only appropriate that we create something."