Omagh bombing inquiry launched by Northern Ireland secretary to investigate 1998 attack

An independent statutory inquiry into the 1998 Omagh bombing has been ordered by the Northern Ireland secretary.

It comes after a High Court judge recommended in 2021 that the government should carry out a human rights-compliant investigation into alleged security failings in the attack's build-up.

Michael Gallagher, whose son Aiden died in the bombing by the Real IRA, brought the legal action and said it should look at intelligence failures in the lead-up to the attack.

"This is an inquiry that we've been calling for really since 2001," he told BBC Radio Foyle.

"We believe that there was serious security and intelligence failings and I personally believe that Omagh was a preventable atrocity, had the right action been taken in the lead-up to Omagh."

Chris Heaton-Harris, the Northern Ireland secretary, told the Commons: "I have listened to the representations of these families and taken their varying perspectives into account. I have considered important factors such as the independence of any future investigation, the costs to the public purse and how best to allay wider public concern.

"I have weighed these up against the clear findings set out by the court, which we must meet for any investigation to be effective and compliant with our international obligations, and which are at the core of my decision.

"I intend to establish an independent statutory inquiry into the Omagh bombing.

"I have informed Mr Gallagher and members of the Omagh Support and Self Help Group, as well as representatives of Families Moving On, of this decision."

The attack took place on 15 August 1998, when a bomb exploded in the Co Tyrone town, killing 29 people and injuring hundreds more.

Mr Heaton Harris added: "I know that this is a significant decision, and I'm keen to explain now to the House why I believe it is also the most appropriate course of action.

"Firstly, the inquiry will allow us to meet our Article 2 procedural obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights as it will have powers of compulsion and be capable of compelling the production of documents and witnesses and subjecting their accounts to scrutiny."

The Labour Party welcomed the move, with shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle telling the Commons: "We welcome the decision by the secretary of state that he has made, and the approach that he has taken in putting the victims first in his deliberations.

"I know that he met with families before Christmas. I know that he promised that he would return personally to tell them whether he would order an inquiry. He has been a man of his word."

He added: "It's important to say that if the inquiry finds shortcomings in how the intelligence was used, it will not change the fact that it was republican terrorists who are ultimately responsible for the lives lost and changed that day.

"Any Article 2 compliant inquiry should provide the opportunity to learn the lessons that will prevent similar tragedies into the future.

"The Republic of Ireland now has a moral obligation to start their own investigation."

The Democratic Unionist Party added it also welcomed the announcement of the inquiry.