Parking rates adjusted after negative feedback

Thunder Bay city council heard from the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce and city business associations on Monday about the negative impact the new $2-per-hour parking rates are having on businesses.
This week, council rethought the issue and ratified a change in parking fees in all lots and on-street spaces, in an attempt to make them more user-friendly for shoppers and diners.
As of June 24, the minimum rate will be 50 cents for 15 minutes. Parking in metered lots and on-street spaces, including at the marina, will be pro-rated at 50 cents for 15 minutes or $2 per hour. Parking at Market Square will be 75 cents for 15 minutes, or $3 per hour.
These rates are as approved by council earlier this year in the parking financial plan.
Meanwhile, the city is evaluating additional security measures for the Waterfront Parkade, which includes enhanced security patrols, and improved lighting on all levels. There is also the possibility of adding more security cameras to the parkade to improve security.

Sandi Krasowski, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Chronicle-Journal