Pay Up: Angry mom hands 23-year-old son bill for nearly $40,000


[Hey, it all starts to add up over time you know/Imgur]

The next time you’re feeling upset with your parents, you should just remember that things could always be way worse - like being served an invoice for nearly $40,000 dollars worse.

That’s what Reddit user Chalipo found out after finding and posting a bill for 13 months of financial support from his mother totaling $34,738.20 dollars, plus $4,515.97 dollars in tax at 13 percent, for a grand total of $39,254.17 dollars.

As points out, not only was the 23-year-old charged for various expenses over a 13-month period, but he was also billed for the price of tuition and health insurance over a five year period as well.

The son was also charged for “being an asshole and not appreciative of your mothers support financially or otherwise,” which will apparently cost you a cool $1,000 dollars.


[It’s the tax that really makes it sting/Imgur]

Despite the hefty bill he was served, the son doesn’t appear to be all that bitter about his mother’s frustrated accounting.

“This was a very effective parenting technique and it has helped me to realize what an entitled little shit I have been,” he wrote on reddit.

He also stressed that while his mom was angry, she doesn’t actually expect him to pay the full amount he was billed for, but instead was just trying to prove a point.

“My mom doesn’t expect me to repay her,” he writes. “Her parents charged her interest so she doesn’t want to do that to me.”