People Are Remembering Wild And Newsworthy Events That Happened In 2001 But Were Forgotten Because Of 9/11

This year will mark the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Some of us, like myself, have lived in a post-9/11 world longer than we did in a pre-one. However, there are also now a lot of adults who were either too young or not even born when 9/11 happened. The impact of that day might be hard to put into context for them, but if I were to try to make a somewhat modern comparison, it would be like if all of COVID happened in a day.

View from inside a damaged building looking out at the debris and wreckage of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks, with smoke and sunlight visible
Porter Gifford / Corbis via Getty Images

Because of the magnitude of 9/11, other newsworthy events that happened, were happening, or happened afterward literally fell out of public consciousness. An example that I vividly remember, and that gets brought up within this post, is the complete media frenzy that surrounded Congressman Gary Condit and the disappearance of Chandra Levy the entire summer of 2001. After the attacks, the story completely disappeared from the media and people's minds.

A missing poster for Chandra Ann Levy and an anti-hate crime sign are displayed on the door of Congressman Gary A. Condit's 18th Congressional District office
Photo by David Hume Kennerly / Getty Images

Recently, Reddit user NightNo423 brought up the topic of those forgotten events and news stories when they asked: "What crazy stuff happened in the year 2001 that got overshadowed by 9/11?"

A police officer kneels in front of a 9/11 memorial wall covered with photos, badges, letters, and various memorabilia, honoring the victims of the terrorist attacks
Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora / Getty Images

The thread went viral and received over 6.6K comments, and if you were old enough in 2001, you'll probably remember many of them. Below are the top and most-often repeated events that were overshadowed by 9/11:

1."American Airlines Flight 587. It was an Airbus A300 that crashed in Queens, NY, two months after 9/11. It was the second-deadliest aviation accident in US history, and not well remembered."

Front view of an American Airlines A300 LuxuryLiner aircraft parked at an airport gate

2."Air Transat Flight 236. The plane was flying from Toronto to Lisbon, ran out of fuel in the middle of the Atlantic, and glided 75 miles to an airport in the Azores and safely landed. The longest glide of a passenger airliner. It happened three weeks before 9/11."

Phil Carpenter / AFP via Getty Images

3."George W. Bush issued an executive order banning federal funding for research on any new embryonic stem cell lines going forward. He interrupted evening TV and gave a live address to the nation to announce it on August 9th. His next address to the nation was on September 11th."

George W. Bush seated in an armchair with hands clasped, in front of an American flag and a window, with a family photo and a binder on a side table
Mike Theiler / AFP via Getty Images

4."Congressman Gary Condit admitted to having an affair with Chandra Levy, a 24-year-old intern, who had gone missing and was later found murdered."

A TV screen shows a news interview with a man with short hair on ABC News. The man is speaking seriously. "Primetime Thursday" is displayed on the screen

5."A paraglider accidentally entangled himself on the torch of the Statue of Liberty."

Statue of Liberty, viewed from below, holding the torch aloft against a clear sky

6."A huge investigation revealed that the McDonald's Monopoly game promotion had been rigged since 1995 and had almost no legitimate winners for the big prizes. Jerry Jacobson — who was head of security for the company that printed the Monopoly game pieces and was in charge of securing and delivering the most valuable ones to McDonald’s packaging plants — was giving winning pieces to friends and family, and later the mafia. Jacobson was arrested in a sting operation that summer and the trial for him and his co-conspirators started on Sept. 10, 2001."

McDonald's sign featuring the iconic golden arches and a red "Drive-Thru" sign underneath

7."I lived where the anthrax hit in 2001, just days after 9/11. They had to close down our post office, and for weeks, there was no mail, then finally, bills came radiated and in plastic bags. You couldn’t open any of the mail — it was just stuck together. And this was back in the days before you could pay bills online."

A person in Times Square reads a newspaper with the headline "Anthrax Here." The article mentions NBC News and Tom Brokaw. Yellow taxis and tall buildings are visible

8."In Feb. 2001, FBI agent Robert Hanssen was arrested for selling classified info to Soviet and Russian intelligence agencies. He’d been conducting this espionage since 1985. I feel like it was big news for like a month, then died down once he was thrown into a federal supermax prison. I always sort of linked the two, his arrest and 9/11, since they happened the same year."

Department of State ID card and FBI business card of Robert P. Hanssen, Special Agent and Unit Chief, displayed on a surface

9."The Hainan Island incident in April 2001. A Chinese jet clipped a US Navy EP-3 surveillance plane off the coast of China. The jet crashed in the sea, and the US plane made an unauthorized emergency landing in China. It was the first major geopolitical mess of George W. Bush's presidency. Gave the world a somewhat major incident. I got briefly concerned as a teenager."

A Navy P-3 Orion aircraft is flying over a mountainous landscape with snow-covered peaks
U.s. Navy / Getty Images

10."The Nepalese royal massacre on June 1, 2001. Nine members of the royal family were killed in the royal palace, including the King. It was the Crown Prince, who died three days later after being in a coma and being crowned the new king, who was responsible."

People gather at a shrine with flowers, featuring portraits and a large painting of King Birendra, paying respects in a solemn atmosphere

11."On Sept. 6, 2001, the US government announced that it would not break up Microsoft as a monopoly."

Bill Gates, wearing a Microsoft shirt, speaks on stage at a Microsoft Windows event
Mark Peterson / Corbis via Getty Images

12."In the summer of 2001, Fox aired a documentary-styled murder mystery reality show called Murder In Small Town X. The finale aired just a week before 9/11. The winner of the first and only season, Angel Juarbe Jr., was a firefighter, and he was one of the first responders at the World Trade Center and died. With so much else that happened on 9/11, one of the victims, being a reality TV star, was surprisingly rarely brought up."

Group photo of ten people standing outdoors by a dock, dressed in casual and leather jackets
20thcentfox / ©20thCentFox/Courtesy Everett Collection

13."The movie Zoolander flopped, relatively speaking, at the box office because it came out right after 9/11."

Ben Stiller as Derek Zoolander is being prepped by a team in a scene from the film "Zoolander."

14."Not 'crazy' by any stretch, but I remember that the first time after 9/11 that the top story on the news wasn't in any way related to it was the death of George Harrison in November."

George Harrison with long hair and a beard, wearing a patterned jacket over a collared shirt
Michael Putland / Getty Images

15."Cantor Fitzgerald, who had offices in the World Trade Center, represented the single largest loss among any single organization in the attacks."

A woman wearing a blue jacket with an American flag patch holds a poster showing numerous black-and-white photos in a crowd. Buildings are in the background

16."The OG iPod launched in October."

An early model iPod displaying a playlist menu with options: Favorites, Monday Morning, Party Mix, Road Trip, Top 5 Break-Up Songs, and Workout Tunes. Earbuds are attached

17."The Boston Globe had all the information ready to release, uncovering the rampant sex abuse being covered up by the Catholic Church. After 9/11, they decided to wait to release it."

The image shows the logo of The Boston Globe displayed on a building
Joseph Prezioso / AFP via Getty Images

18."Thuy Trang (the Yellow Power Ranger from Might Morphin' Power Rangers) passed away in a car accident on Sept. 3, 2001. I was a big MMPR fan, and I don’t remember hearing about that."

Thuy Trang in a yellow and white Power Rangers suit, holding a yellow helmet
Saban Entertainment / Courtesy: Everett Collection

19."There were several shark attacks in the US that summer, leading Time magazine to dub it the 'Summer of the Shark.' There was a ton of news coverage about it."

People prepare surfboards on a busy beach with hotels and palm trees in the background. The shoreline is dotted with beachgoers enjoying the sunny day

20."There were investigative articles about Bernie Madoff in 2001, that questioned how legitimate his assets were. They were ignored, which allowed him to further commit fraud until the Great Recession."

Bernie Madoff in a dark coat and tie, looking serious with another unidentified person partially visible in the background
Mario Tama / Getty Images

21."Aaliyah died on Aug. 25, 2001. I feel like we didn’t even get to grieve her, and then 9/11 happened."

Aaliyah poses against a plain background, wearing a white bandana, white top, and jacket, with hoop earrings and layered necklaces

22."Michael Jackson released an album [his last] two weeks earlier. Actually, now that I think about it — Michael was supposed to be in one of the towers that day for a meeting but overslept."

Britney Spears in a green dress and Michael Jackson in a blue shirt and black pants performing on stage together

23.And lastly, "The original teaser trailer for the first Raimi Spider-Man was quickly buried for showing a helicopter trapped in a web between the two towers."

Helicopter flies between New York's World Trade Center towers, with the sun setting and creating spider web-like patterns. Special effects highlight from the 1976 film
Helicopter flies between New York's World Trade Center towers, with the sun setting and creating spider web-like patterns. Special effects highlight from the 1976 film
Helicopter flies between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center during sunset
Helicopter flies between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center during sunset

Sony/ JoBlo Superheroes / Via


You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.