In Pictures: Parts of UK shiver in wintry weather

Snow has blanketed parts of the country as forecasters warn of plunging temperatures.

Parts of the UK are being hit by freezing conditions, with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) issuing a level three cold weather alert covering England until Monday.

Here are some snapshots of the snowy scenes across the UK:

Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
Frost and snow covers a house in the North York Moors National Park (Danny Lawson/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
Frost covers Goathland in the North York Moors National Park (Danny Lawson/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
A chilly start at Goathland train station (Danny Lawson/PA)

The Met Office has issued several yellow weather warnings for snow and ice in parts of the UK over the coming days.

Met Office spokesman Grahame Madge said: “The outlook for the UK remains cold at least for the next seven days, with the potential for this to continue even longer.”

Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
Elaine Armstrong clears snow from her garden in Burnopfield, County Durham (Owen Humphreys/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
Parts of the UK are being hit by freezing conditions (Owen Humphreys/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
A disused boat on a frozen beach in Dungeness, Kent (Gareth Fuller/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
A woman walks during misty weather in Primrose Hill, London (Victoria Jones/PA)

Forecasters say temperatures could plummet to as low as minus 10C, with wintry downpours and “freezing fog”.

But the snow made for scenic walks in the countryside, with County Durham waking up to snow-covered streets.

Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
A woman walks her dog through snow over Castleside Viaduct in Durham (Owen Humphreys/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
Overnight snow in Consett, County Durham (Owen Humphreys/PA)
Winter weather Dec 9th 2022
A man walks through overnight snow near the Terris Novalis sculpture in Consett (Owen Humphreys/PA)