Pro-Ukrainian guerrillas destroy satellite communications station in Moscow Oblast — photos, video

Satellite communication station R-441 Liven (Rainshower) destroyed
Satellite communication station R-441 Liven (Rainshower) destroyed

The ATESH guerrilla movement carried out a sabotage operation on the territory of the 584th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (military unit No. 62845) in Klin, Moscow Oblast, the guerrillas reported on Telegram on June 12.

This satellite communications station provides strategic and operational command and control communications for the Russian army.

Read also: The Russians construct barriers in Crimea in an attempt to hide air defense systems — Atesh

Its destruction significantly disrupted the command and control system of an anti-aircraft missile regiment, weakening the air defense system of the entire Moscow Oblast.

<span class="copyright">Atesh/Telegram</span>

Atesh is a military guerrilla movement operating in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and in Russia. It was created by Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in September 2022 after the full-scale Russian invasion.

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The guerrillas infiltrate the Russian army and "destroy it from inside" by leaking data on positions, warehouses, soldiers, and equipment, organizing sabotage, and conducting other operations.

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