Puppy was found abandoned on side of Utah highway. Now, he has a new purpose and home

Something caught the eye of a driver coasting down a Utah highway.

Braving the “freezing cold and darkness,” the driver stopped to take a closer look, the Price City Police Department said in a Feb. 29 Facebook post.

The driver saw a box and, suddenly, something popped “its head up” — a puppy.

The 2-month-old puppy was found in a box in the “freezing cold and darkness.” Photo from Price City Police Department
The 2-month-old puppy was found in a box in the “freezing cold and darkness.” Photo from Price City Police Department

Along with the puppy, police said the box had the “puppy’s breed, birthdate and vaccination chart.”

That same night, police took him to “crash the party” with off-duty officers.

It wasn’t long before offers from officers to foster the dog poured in, police said.

Chief Brandon Sicilia was the first to care for the puppy. Photo from Price City Police Department
Chief Brandon Sicilia was the first to care for the puppy. Photo from Price City Police Department

The first to care for the pup, though, was the department’s chief, Brandon Sicilia.

Police said the puppy has spent his weekdays exploring the police department. Photo from Price City Police Department
Police said the puppy has spent his weekdays exploring the police department. Photo from Price City Police Department

In the nearly 20 days since being found on the side of the highway, the puppy has spent his weekdays exploring the police department, “getting to know everyone and everything.”

With no leads on the puppy’s owner or reports of an abandoned puppy, police decided to keep the puppy, who now has a name: PeeDee.

Police said they plan to have PeeDee “certified and trained as a Critical Incident Emotional Support Dog.” Photo from Price City Police Department
Police said they plan to have PeeDee “certified and trained as a Critical Incident Emotional Support Dog.” Photo from Price City Police Department

Police said they plan to have PeeDee “certified and trained as a Critical Incident Emotional Support Dog.”

“We’ve got a long road ahead of us, but we are excited for him to be able to spread the same love and joy to others that he has already provided for our police family,” police said.

Price is about 115 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.

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