From purgatory to paradise: Montreal's annual spring transformation, in photos

Early spring in Montreal can feel a little like Dante's long climb up the Mount of Purgatory. There's suffering (and plenty of trash) but, in the end, the payoff is monumental.

Roving CBC photographer Charles Contant has been out and about, documenting the city in all its seasons.

His photos show how the landscape transforms during the spring thaw and early summer bloom.

He went out to a couple favourite haunts on Friday, just as he did several weeks ago.

Below are some of the same locations, presented side by side for comparison.

From grey to green

Montrealers pride themselves on their ability to buckle down and make it through yet another tough winter.

It becomes all worthwhile once the sunshine returns and the city is transformed.

Inside, outside

Even the most grim sights of winter and early spring eventually melt away into lush green.

For Montrealers who have grown used to seeing a monochrome of white and grey for the last few months, patches of bright green grass and vibrant petals are a much-needed dose of colour.

From May to October, people come out of their homes to spend as much time outdoors as possible, soaking in the sun and playing a game of pick-up in the park.

Montrealers know they need to get their vitamin D fix while they can.

Early spring = not pretty

Montreal doesn't always look this nice though.

Once the snow clears, there's often a pile-up of garbage left behind.

The city's cleanup effort has certainly helped matters, with many local community groups running park clean-ups as well.

Now that things are looking nice, it's a good time to lay a blanket out in the park and start working on this season's tan.

Terrasse time

You know winter is nearing its end when the patios pop up.

But it can take a while for the weather to warm up enough to actually sit on one.

Biking for all

While some Montrealers brave the icy streets as avid winter cyclists, the majority of people hop back on their bikes once the snow is gone and the winter's grit has been swept away.

The urban bike paths are scenic trails full of cycling enthusiasts taking in the fresh air and getting a little exercise during their daily commute.

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