After Queen Elizabeth II's death, Britain is now facing the unthinkable

"The king (or queen) is dead, long live the king (or queen)."

Britons last heard those traditional words on the death of a monarch in 1952 as Queen Elizabeth II succeeded her father, King George VI. Nobody younger than 70 today could possibly remember her glittering Westminster Abbey coronation the following year, Britain’s 39th since 1066.

I, like most Britons, have never known another monarch. Queen Elizabeth II has been it, as seemingly immortal a fixture as Big Ben.

But the Queen Elizabeth II era has ended. At 96, she was Britain’s longest-serving monarch. Illness kept her from some engagements. Britain is now facing the unthinkable: that Queen Elizabeth II is gone. And that King Charles III will be the new monarch.

Most want the British monarchy to continue

King Charles III is not the monarch most Britons want, according to opinion polls. As of May, 6 in 10 wanted the monarchy to continue, but 37% favored it skipping a generation to Prince William, while just 34% favored Charles.

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At Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in London on June 5, 2022. From left, Duchess Camilla, Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate and their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.
At Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in London on June 5, 2022. From left, Duchess Camilla, Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate and their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

It is easy to see why. William, and his photogenic wife, Duchess Kate, and their children seem to have been molded to be the perfect monarch and family – at least as defined during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Like the queen, their popularity ratings are consistently high. Unlike her, they are young and more in touch with the modern era. Prince William even sang on stage with Taylor Swift in 2013. But they echo the apolitical blandness key to Queen Elizabeth’s popularity.

Skipping a generation is not, of course, the way the system works. A future King Charles will be a difficult figure for Britons and the world to warm to. At 73, he is past normal retirement age. Britons have fixed, often unfavorable, opinions of him. Particularly after the wildly popular Netflix series "The Crown" reminded viewers of Charles’ unfaithfulness to the hugely popular Princess Diana.

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Prince William, by contrast, appears to have grasped the unspoken rules by which Queen Elizabeth II retained respect for the British monarchy. She took to heart what Walter Bagehot, the editor of the respected British Economist magazine in the late 19th century, argued: The British monarchy was the "dignified" branch whose job was to symbolize the state through pomp and ceremony. The "efficient" branch was the government; it ran the country by passing laws and providing public services.

Queen Elizabeth II was the very model of a monarch. The bicycle monarchies – so called because their monarchs often ride bicycles and behave more like commoners – of Scandinavian countries or Netherlands were not for her. And she stayed scrupulously apolitical through 15 prime ministers. None, at least publicly, ever knew where she stood politically.

Elizabeth was my father's 4th monarch

The bottom line is this: Will a King Charles III have what it takes to keep Britons’ and the world’s respect for the monarchy, even as a place warmer for King William?

Queen Elizabeth had far more advantages when she ascended the throne. She was young, just 25. No tabloids fixated on royal scandals, real or invented.

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Queen Elizabeth, here with Prince Philip, was formally crowned on June 2, 1953. She ascended the throne a year earlier after her father, King George VI, died.
Queen Elizabeth, here with Prince Philip, was formally crowned on June 2, 1953. She ascended the throne a year earlier after her father, King George VI, died.

Respect for the monarchy was also in Britons’ DNA back then – as my father personified. Born in 1913, he was 39 when she became his fourth monarch. When I was growing up in British colonial Africa in the 1960s and '70s, he would gather us around a static-crackling radio in the sweltering heat every Christmas to listen to the Queen’s Christmas Day address broadcast over the BBC World Service. Missing it would have been unthinkable to him and most Britons at the time.

“We listen to our queen; this is what it means to be British,” he would say.

Of course, it was also a very different, "Downton Abbey" kind of Britain back in his day. It still had an empire, the biggest in history, ruling over more than 20% of the world’s population. The sun, as the saying went, never set on the British Empire – meaning it was always daytime in one of its territories, be it Canada, Australia, India, Barbados or elsewhere. Britannia, a song of that time held, rules the waves.

Decline of the British Empire

The decline of Britain during the long reign of Queen Elizabeth II has been dramatic: the collapse of the empire; the transformation from a rigid class society to today’s more secular, multicultural model; a country rocked by such identity-challenging events as Brexit. Not to mention insider accusations of royal family dysfunction, first from the late Princess Diana, now from Prince Harry and his American wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.

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The test will be what polls say after Prince Charles has been the monarch for a year or more. Some things he says he plans are, on their face, laudable. He reportedly wants to trim the number of royals on the taxpayer payroll. Recently, when Barbados voted to ditch Queen Elizabeth as its constitutional head of state, Charles made a speech in which he lamented past slavery, a smart nod to today’s more woke, Black Lives Matter world.

But can he follow his mother’s Bagehot rules that have preserved the monarchy’s standing? Perhaps history holds a lesson.

King Louis XV of France is famously, if apocryphally, quoted as saying what Queen Elizabeth may fear: “Après moi le déluge (after me the deluge).” The French Revolution did eventually abolish the French monarchy. Could the British monarchy go the same way if Charles and his unpopular wife, Duchess Camilla, fail to be sufficiently dignified and apolitical?

On the other hand, the monarchy did survive after a previous King Charles – King Charles I – had his head chopped off in 1649.

Louise Branson, a former USA TODAY editorial writer, was a (London) Sunday Times correspondent in the Soviet Union, China and Eastern Europe.
Louise Branson, a former USA TODAY editorial writer, was a (London) Sunday Times correspondent in the Soviet Union, China and Eastern Europe.

Louise Branson, a former USA TODAY editorial writer, was a (London) Sunday Times correspondent in the Soviet Union, China and Eastern Europe. She is a biographer of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Her latest coauthored book is "The Inconvenient Journalist," an international memoir.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Queen Elizabeth's death ends popular reign, starts King Charles era