Readers debate whether AG Ken Paxton did the right thing for Texas in abortion case | Opinion

Dictating our private lives

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton obviously has no clue what is medically necessary and what is not, especially when it deals with women’s health. I am horrified that he went after a pregnant woman and her family. (Dec. 12, 1A, “Texas woman who sought approval for abortion leaves state”)

Paxton helped put her life at risk by seeking to block her abortion, a necessary procedure in her case, according to a medical doctor. The pregnancy was nonviable, meaning that the child had absolutely no chance of survival.

Paxton is not pro-life — just cruel. Politicians need to stop putting themselves on a pedestal and thinking they have the right to dictate our private lives. The medical community should not be criminalized for providing necessary care.

- Gail Calami, Crosby

Paxton is looking out for us

The people who bad-mouth Ken Paxton should be grateful we have such an energetic and responsible attorney general.

Under his direction, the attorney general’s office has done nothing but help Texas residents. If his office does not stand up for our rights, such as free speech, who will?

Compare it with the current federal government. We American citizens have been gradually losing our rights. Most Texans are grateful that Ken Paxton is our attorney general.

- Tim Baker, Huffman

What’s a ‘cat daddy’ anyhow?

Would someone ask Southlake Carroll High School football coach Riley Dodge what a “cat daddy” is? He referred to the DeSoto football team as full of five-star players and “cat daddies” after a recent game. Was this because his team lost?

Why can’t he just congratulate the opponent without negative comments? Would he have described Aledo’s team in the same way, for example?

Anyone can be a gracious winner, but it takes a true champion to accept defeat.

- Gary Garrett, Arlington

The job must be finished

Israel was attacked by a rapacious, savage horde. (Dec. 14, 8A, “9 Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza City ambush”) Hamas has been hiding in tunnels under civilian-occupied buildings for years.

When the United States was attacked by Japan in 1941, we didn’t stop until we finished that war and were able to build peace with the country that had been the aggressor. The Israelis must finish this war or they will always be in danger of another attack.

Of course, pictures of wounded Palestinian civilians bother me. The innocent should never have to suffer for the idiocy of others. War is hell and should never be tolerated by a civilized world.

But I guess we’re just not civilized enough.

- Wanda Conlin, Fort Worth

Cease-fire is needed now

The sole vote of the United States on the United Nations Security Council vetoed a call for a cease-fire in Israel and sentenced more Palestinian children to their deaths. (Dec. 13, 8A, “Israel strikes across Gaza; pressure for cease-fire builds”)

The world is rightly shocked at Israel’s bombing and flagrant disregard for international law. The U.S. has for too long excused Israel’s illegal and immoral treatment of Palestinians. Israel is an apartheid state that has illegally stolen Palestinian land. In our full-throated support of Israel, we are not only hurting our image around the world but also guaranteeing blowback that will kill American citizens.

Too many Palestinian civilians have already been killed. It’s time for our leaders to force Israel to implement an immediate and permanent cease-fire.

Ken Pardue, Fort Worth