Reese's Has Created a Trick-or-Treat Door Full of Free Candy and It Could Be Coming to Your Town

Photo credit: Kevin Liles
Photo credit: Kevin Liles

From Woman's Day

Halloween is right around the corner, and people are definitely getting creative when it comes to ways of making trick-or-treating as safe as possible. Of course, leave it to the King of Halloween Candy, Reese's, to take that creativity to a whole new level. The brand announced that it would be unleashing a robotic trick-or-treat door that will hand out candy, thanks to a little bit of Halloween magic.

Here's how it works: The robotic Trick-or-Treat Door will roam around your neighborhood via remote control and stop at different houses. You'll know it's coming thanks to some not-so-subtle smoke, lights, and sound effects. Once it arrives at your doorstep, simply say "trick-or-treat" (the "smell my feet" is optional), and you'll be rewarded with some hands-free King Size Reese's Peanut Butter Cups through the retractable mail slot on the door just like that! It's the perfect social distancing solution...just don't forget your masks, protective and Halloween, I mean!

“This Halloween is unlike any other, so we’ve upped the ante on creativity as a result” said Reese’s senior brand manager Allen Dark. “A robotic Reese’s dispensing door is just what the world needs right now!”

So far we don't exactly know where this door will end up, but that just makes the whole thing more spooky and mysterious. Very Halloween if you ask me!! But if you're into the idea, you should definitely visit @Reeses on Instagram and tell them with the #ReesesDoor where they should drive their Trick-or-Treat Door on Halloween night. There are King Size Reese's at stake so, um, get on it!

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