To reform policing accountability, states need not wait on Supreme Court and Congress

Today’s crisis in the criminal legal system, crystallized by the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, among many others, provides an opportunity for a new kind of civil rights federalism – one that begins with state legislative action.

Legislation at the federal level has stalled, and the Supreme Court continues to restrict access to justice in federal court, but governors and state legislatures need not wait for a gridlocked Congress or a reluctant court. Rights to sue to enforce both the state and federal constitutions can be created by state law, without the barriers to relief that exist in federal law.

This kind of creativity is necessary because the federal statute that most civil rights litigants rely on to enforce federal constitutional rights, 42 U.S.C. 1983, has been trimmed of its effectiveness by the U.S. Supreme Court. The court has weighed the statute down with numerous limitations, all of which make it a less effective remedy. Constitutional rights exist on paper, but it has become increasingly challenging to enforce them.

So-called qualified immunity

One of the most salient barriers to relief in civil rights cases is so-called qualified immunity, a judge-made defense that protects state and local officials from damages liability, even when they violate constitutional rights. Officers can claim this immunity if the specific right they violated was not “clearly established” by prior precedent at the time they acted – in practice, plaintiffs cannot overcome this defense unless they can show a prior Supreme Court or appellate opinion that found nearly identical conduct unconstitutional under a nearly identical set of facts.

As Justice Sonia Sotomayor has observed, in practice this means that the defense often provides an “absolute shield” against accountability for unconstitutional conduct.

Qualified immunity doctrine has become a point of focus for the national movement to reform a dysfunctional and racist policing system, but it seems unlikely that federal lawmakers will solve the problem in the short term. State lawmakers, however, can enact state statutes that allow civil rights litigants to enforce constitutional rights without the baggage that the Supreme Court has tied to Section 1983.

Colorado has started down this path, enacting legislation that limits the ability of law enforcement officers to use force and creates a right to sue for people whose constitutional rights are violated by law enforcement officers. The same goes for New Mexico and, to a lesser extent, Connecticut.

Revolutionary change: Colorado took a big step to reform policing. Here's how.

Other states are actively considering reforms aimed at broadening civil rights enforcement. There are bills pending in New York’s legislature that would create a right to sue when any state or local official violates the federal or state constitution. Similar legislation has been proposed in Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, and legislators in Virginia and Maryland are also renewing their efforts to pass state-level civil rights statutes.

Like the federal George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, if adopted, these laws would end qualified immunity for state and local officials who violate federal and state constitutional rights.

And this is well within state legislative prerogatives, as we argued in a recent article, and as the Institute for Justice highlights in a new initiative aimed at enacting similar state-level reforms. Because qualified immunity is a creature of the Supreme Court’s flawed interpretation of a federal civil rights statute, nothing stops state lawmakers from doing away with the defense as it applies to a legal claim based on state law.

Leaders should back words with action

The laws that have already been enacted in a few states, and that are under consideration in a few more, are examples of what state leaders can do if they are truly committed to creating pathways to accountability and reform of a fundamentally flawed civil rights enforcement regime.

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It is noteworthy that 20 attorneys general have expressed unmitigated support for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. But only a handful of these states have created statutory causes of action for constitutional violations, and of these almost all recognize a qualified immunity defense akin to the one developed by the Supreme Court for Section 1983.

With so little progress made at the federal level, state leaders should step up, demonstrate that their words have meaning, and support local legislation that will bring some justice and accountability to their own backyards.

Alexander A. Reinert is the Max Freund Professor of Litigation & Advocacy at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and a visiting professor at Cornell Law School. Joanna C. Schwartz is a professor of law at UCLA School of Law. James E. Pfander is the Owen L. Coon Professor of Law at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.

This column is part of a series by the USA TODAY Opinion team examining the issue of qualified immunity. The project is made possible in part by a grant from Stand Together. Stand Together does not provide editorial input.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Police reform: States should lead Supreme Court and Congress