These Republican street fighters are at the top of my 2024 ticket | Opinion

A red wave

Regarding “The 2024 ticket will be a test for Republicans in NC,” (Nov. 2 Opinion):

Former President Donald Trump, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop are terrific candidates and have a lot of regard for human decency.

These guys would be a great asset for the state and the country and would not be afraid to take on the extreme Democratic agenda. These three patriots are street fighters and won’t fold like many wet noodle Republicans in past years.

Mobilization of voters will be key, so from Manteo to Murphy we want a red wave so North Carolina will no longer be a purple state.

Jim Cherry, Charlotte

Dan Bishop

Congressman Jeff Jackson announced Oct. 26 that he’ll run against U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop for state attorney general. The attorney general serves as the state’s top law enforcement official. Bishop, an attorney, tweeted a statement that was made to look like it came from Jackson’s campaign and was written in Chinese with a translation saying Jackson is helping China spy on North Carolina.

How does Bishop get away with it? He’s supposedly a Christian and should follow 1 Corinthians 16:14: “Let all that you do be done in love.”

Libba Eleazer, Charlotte

Dems disappoint

I have to say I’m very disappointed that House Democrats didn’t seize the opportunity to help elect a more level-headed speaker — like Tom Emmer. He was the most suitable, as he is a moderate and voted to certify the election.

He had more votes than any of the other potential nominees. So he had ample support from the right. If Democrats had been willing to indicate they would vote for him, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in with the newly elected speaker, Mike Johnson. He’s as conservative as you get.

I understand Democrats were holding out so they would have leverage in changing some rules. They did not properly weigh their options and probability.

I hope they learn from this. It’s very disappointing for our country.

Elizabeth Will, Shelby

This is democracy

Regarding “Blame GOP justices for NC maps that stifle democracy,” (Oct. 29 Opinion):

Ned Barnett’s contention that GOP justices “stifle democracy” conveniently overlooks the fact that justices in North Carolina are elected. The legislators who drew the legislative district maps were also elected. Democratic processes gave us the result Barnett decries.

Warren Smith, Charlotte

A ceasefire

The proposed “pause” by the U.S. government in the slaughter by Israel of innocent Palestinians is not enough. A ceasefire must happen ASAP. The United States, which poses as the world’s most important human rights advocate, is quickly losing the moral ground.

John H. Clark, Charlotte

Being Christian

Regarding “In Trump era, ‘I’m a Christian’ is often a disturbing warning,” (Nov. 1 Opinion):

Thank you Issac Bailey for pushing back against the profession of Christianity as a badge of (conservative) political correctness.

It brings to mind Stephen Colbert’s comment that progressives should be excited about Speaker of the House Michael Johnson’s declaration that his policies would be defined by what’s in the Bible. That must mean that we can expect him to encourage his followers to sell all of their possessions and give everything to the poor (Luke 18:22).

David Fahey, Charlotte

Hear that bell?

Someday we will look back on this MAGA/Trump episode and cringe at the lack of integrity and the deluge of lawsuits to restore justice to our political system.

It should ring a bell when Fox News paid out $787 million for a defamation lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems and admitted to falsehoods.

It should ring a bell when Trump pays his fine for the current civil fraud trial. It will likely be several hundred million.

It should ring a bell that 147 Republicans in Congress voted to overturn a free and fair election, never mind that the Democratic candidate had 7 million more votes.

It should ring a bell that five people lost their lives from the Jan. 6 fiasco.

Someday, we will hear the bell that reminds us character and integrity matter.

Randall Lemly, Charlotte