Rick Mercer catches on to Nepean High School student council DQ

Canadian political satirist Rick Mercer has caught on to a hot debate at Ottawa's Nepean High School, where a student was disqualified from running as student council president for comments the school says were "not appropriate" and "off script."

Jimmy Wang was running to become the student council president at the west Ottawa high school for the 2015-16 school year.

But school principal Patrick McCarthy disqualified Wang based on comments he made during candidate speeches.

The offending language? The word "dick."

CBC personality Mercer tweeted a link Friday to a "Free Jimmy Wang" Facebook page dedicated to getting political justice for the high schooler.

"Is the most interesting story in #cdnpoli a student council election @ #Nepean district high school?" Mercer's tweet asked.

McCarthy issued a statement the same day.

"We understand that teenagers are continuing to develop their understanding of what is appropriate, especially with regard to humour," the statement read.

"Unfortunately, [Wang] went 'off script' and made comments which were off topic, and not appropriate."

Wang's bid for president was popular among students for his anti-establishment message, according to Grade 12 student council representative Jack MacDonald.

Wang was also deemed ineligible to be a co-president, but he was offered a place on student council. He then drafted a new student council constitution.

The CBC's Stu Mills chatted with MacDonald about Wang's disqualification, and you can hear that interview in the player below.

- On mobile? Tap here to listen to an explanation of Jimmy Wang's disqualification.