RNC’s Bizarre Attack On Biden’s Church Visit Backfires Spectacularly

The Republican National Committee is getting holy hell from critics after it attacked President Joe Biden over his visit to a South Carolina church on Sunday.

Biden received a warm greeting as he arrived for service at St. John Baptist Church in Columbia. He shook hands and waved to cheering congregants as the pastor welcomed the guests.

But the RNC saw it very differently, with the organization’s “research” account on X, formerly Twitter, tweeting:

Biden also spoke at the service, praising Black churches’ role in their communities and the nation.

“Well, you give us a mountaintop, you give us a promised land, you give us a dream and a faith that we shall overcome, can overcome,” he said, according to The Associated Press. “And you push us toward a more perfect union, you really do, to bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice together, and what a gift to the nation and the world you’ve been.”

The congregation applauded, and some cheered at the end of Biden’s remarks, according to a livestream of the event.

The RNC’s reception on X wasn’t quite as warm: