Roaches. Bloodstains. Needles. What reviews say about Mississippi hotel where 5 overdosed

Five people had overdosed. Drug Enforcement agents were closing in. And the alleged dealers selling narcotics at the Economy Inn in Bay St. Louis? The managers, records say.

But in the undercover investigation that revealed a deadly saga at the U.S. 90 motel, the players include not only the agents, dealers and users, but unsuspecting visitors who sought rest but instead endured leaks, roaches and bloodstained sheets, according to online reviews from sites including Google and Trip Advisor.

“It’s literally a roach motel,” one said.

And for all the one-star ratings and horrid reviews, others had no complaints. Sure, they said, it was no Hilton. But the staff was nice, the rooms were clean and there was a pool. Some gave it five stars.

The managers — who one reviewer called “outstanding people” and another called “inhumane” — are in custody this week after authorities arrested and charged them in early June in connection with a drug operation that records say ran out of the Mississippi Coast motel. A grand jury later indicted both managers of federal charges of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance and possession with intent to distribute controlled substances.

Authorities arrested the managers, identified in court papers as Pernell Robert Galloway and Cassie Louise McKenzie, after undercover agents bought drugs from the pair and found meth, fentanyl, digital scales and a firearm at the motel.

Normal visitors — at least those who took to the Internet to praise or condemn their stays — seemed unaware. Some reviewers appeared to refer to McKenzie as “a genuine, great person.” “She’s one of the few nice people,” one person said.

Others raised concern. Among their claims: unexplained holes in the walls, mold, collapsing roofs, drugs in the parking lot, needles in the trash and evictions.

Reviewers also alleged someone slept in a dumpster outside the motel for three nights and said they witnessed people use drugs on the property.

The Economy Inn motel on Highway 90 in Bay St. Louis.
The Economy Inn motel on Highway 90 in Bay St. Louis.

“The place,” one reviewer wrote, “is a dump.”

No customer reviews seem to suspect the managers as involved in illegal activity.

The case is headed to federal court. The verdict on Google reviews: 2.8 stars.

“Not the best place to stay for a family vacation,” another wrote. “But does well as a last resort.”