Robert Fyvie jailed for campaign of abuse against woman in East Lothian

A violent abuser who threatened to slit a woman's throat with a razor during a campaign of abuse has been jailed for eight years.

During one incident, Robert Fyvie, 43, brandished a broken umbrella spoke and threatened to stab the victim with the makeshift weapon during a sex attack.

He also punched her during another assault, causing her to fall to the ground and suffer fractured ribs, and used her mobile phone SIM card to access her text messages.

At the High Court in Edinburgh on Thursday, judge Lord Doherty said: "The behaviour was seriously abusive and controlling.

"It included holding a cut-throat razor to her neck and threatening to cut her throat."

Fyvie, whose offences took place across East Lothian, was convicted of six offences in total.

He resisted and struggled violently with officers in September 2019 at an address in Tranent and at Dalkeith police station.

Fyvie pulled away from them, thrashed his arms and legs, removed leg restraints, and refused to leave a police vehicle.

He also assaulted three police officers by attempting to headbutt two of them and kicking a third on the body.

In November 2019, at an address in Tranent, he assaulted his female victim, causing her severe injury, by repeatedly punching her body and causing her to fall, causing the rib fractures.

And then between June 2021 and 2022, he repeatedly shouted, swore and directed derogatory comments towards her and monitored her movements.

Fyvie used her mobile phone SIM card to access her text messages, refused to let her use the toilet on her own, and demanded to have sex with her.

On one occasion, he sexually touched the woman without her consent.

During another sex attack, he pushed her onto a bed, repeatedly slapped her on the face, pulled her hair and threatened her with an umbrella spoke.

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Lord Doherty jailed Fyvie for a year for struggling against and assaulting the Police Scotland officers.

Fyvie was then handed an additional nine-year extended sentence for his behaviour against the woman, with seven years in jail and two years on licence once released back into the community.

He was also placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely and banned from contacting his victim.

Following the court case, Detective Constable Rebecca Riddell said: "This was a hugely distressing experience for Fyvie's victim and I hope that today's sentencing will provide her with some closure.

"He now faces the consequences of his despicable actions.

"I hope this sentencing sends a clear message that this type of violence will not be tolerated.

"I'd encourage anyone who has been a victim of such crimes to come forward and report it to us, regardless of when it happened.

"We'll thoroughly investigate and have specially trained officers and partner agencies to support you throughout."