Sask. Wheelchair Sports Association looking for thousands of dollars worth of stolen equipment

The Regina Police Service and the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association are asking for help to find thousands of dollars worth of equipment. (Submitted by Regina Police Service - image credit)
The Regina Police Service and the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association are asking for help to find thousands of dollars worth of equipment. (Submitted by Regina Police Service - image credit)

The Regina Police Service and the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association are asking for help to find thousands of dollars worth of stolen wheelchair sports equipment, after a trailer belonging to the association was broken into.

On Tuesday, a Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association employee noticed a broken latch and lock on the trailer door, according to Regina police news release.

When the employee looked in the trailer, they saw several pieces of equipment were missing.

The stolen equipment includes five sport wheelchairs, 12 rugby balls, 12 basketballs, 12 hockey sticks and two bags, police said.

The stolen items are extremely specialized pieces of equipment for athletes with disabilities and are valued at tens of thousands of dollars, the police news release said.

"Please help us get our equipment back," the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association wrote in a Facebook post. "The equipment is important for the programming we do in and around the Regina area."

Police said the trailer was parked in the 500 block of Park Street and the break-in took place sometime between last Sunday and Tuesday.

Anyone with information on the break-in is asked to contact Regina police at 306-777-6500 or Regina Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222–84777, or submit an anonymous tip through the Crime Stoppers website.