The Late Show and The Daily Show have contingency plans if Trump refuses to leave office

"Thanks to Donald 'Junta' Trump, we just don't have enough time to cover some of the more fun stories," like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lugging suitcases of dirty laundry to Washington so the White House will clean it for free, Trevor Noah said on Thursday's Daily Show. But it's hard to care too much about these smaller stories "when the world's oldest democracy is about to become the world's newest dictatorship."

"I never thought I would see the day where an American president would threaten not to accept an election defeat," Noah said. "Because let's be honest, this is something you hear about in some random country where America steps in to enforce democracy. I feel like now it's only fair that those countries should send peacekeepers to the U.S."

"By Trump saying that he refuses to leave peacefully, he's basically threatening a coup," Noah said, and "if you've paid any attention to Donald Trump over the past five years, it's no surprise that he likes the idea of being a dictator. I mean, he's written more love letters to Kim Jong Un than his own wife. The question is, will other Republicans allow him to get away with it?" Despite some reassuring tweets, "there is nothing the GOP can do put people at ease," he concluded. "They try and reassure people all the time and then what to they do? They always end up backing Trump." Noah asked Roy Wood Jr. for his thoughts, and Wood preached calm — as he packed to flee to Canada.

"I will say, man, Donald Trump has gone on quite the journey," Noah said. "The man spent his entire life as one of the world's most famous landlords, and now he's turning into the world's most famous squatter. I bet even if Joe Biden wins, they're gonna find Trump in the White House basement someday living that Parasite life."

The Late Show had its own ideas for how to get rid of a pest that won't leave the White House. Watch below.

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