Ohio Senate candidates J.D. Vance, Tim Ryan face off in Youngstown debate: Recap

Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, (left) and Republican candidate JD Vance face off Monday night in their second and final debate. (AP Photo) ORG XMIT: WX417
Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, (left) and Republican candidate JD Vance face off Monday night in their second and final debate. (AP Photo) ORG XMIT: WX417

Republican J.D. Vance and Democrat Tim Ryan clashed over abortion, guns, immigration, Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a raw and sometimes personal debate Monday that could decide who wins Ohio and - with it - which party wins control of the U.S. Senate.

Denouncing Vance for his support of Trump, Ryan used their second debate to cast his GOP opponent as a carpetbagging venture capitalist who wants to prohibit abortions, close the border, and is generally "too extreme" for Ohio.

"I’m running to represent the exhausted majority: Democrats, Republicans, and independents," Ryan said.

Vance countered that Ryan falsely describes himself as a moderate, but backs Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on government spending, abortion on demand with no restrictions, and "open borders."

"You cannot pretend to be a defender of border security when you have voted against border wall funding multiple times," Vance said.

Bottom line: 5 takeaways from Ohio Senate debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Ryan

New poll: Exclusive: Poll shows close Senate race in Ohio as midterms head into final weeks

What's at stake: Control of the Senate is now a coin flip: These are the midterm election races to watch

Immigration prompted the most heated exchange. Ryan accused Vance of supporting the so-called "replacement theory," holding that whites are afraid of being overrun by minorities.

Vance called that accusation "slander" and "disgusting," to which Ryan replied: "I think I struck a nerve with this guy."

The two faced off in Youngstown just a week after their first debate in the tight race that could decide whether Republicans or Democrats control the next U.S. Senate. The chamber is 50-50 with Democrats in charge by virtue of tie-breaking votes Vice President Kamala Harris can cast.

The debate kicked off only a few hours after a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY Network poll showed the race remains a statistical tie with Vance up 47.4% to 45.4% – within the margin of error.

Some highlights:

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Vance evokes crime, border and inflation in closing comments

Vance closed out what was a raw and personal debate for the most of the night by saying the 10-term congressman hasn’t done much during his time in Washington.

“Tim Ryan's had his chance for 20 years,” he said. “And I think we need to take this country and the state in a different direction.”

Vance also brought up anxieties on inflation, immigration and crime. He said Ohio voters deserve to go to the grocery store without breaking the bank and can demand the country have a secure border without being racist.

“I believe you should be able to walk down your streets in safety, I believe you should be able to take your children downtown for dinner without being mugged or without being carjacked,” Vance said.

- Phillip M. Bailey

Ryan takes shot at Vance in closing statement

In his closing statement, Ryan echoed his campaign's central message and aimed at moderate Ohioans watching.

“It starts with a good paying job. Rebuilding the great American middle class, getting rid of these bad trade deals, cutting taxes for workers,” Ryan said. “Making sure we dominate the industries of the future, manufacturing of cars and trucks and electric vehicles and tractors and batteries, going all in on natural gas.”

Without naming Vance, he also took a shot at Vance’s career in California as a venture capitalist.

“I didn’t abandon this place and go for greener pastures in San Francisco and then come back and parachute in with $55 million of out-of-state money.”

- Ken Tran

Candidates clash over immigration, great replacement theory

Ryan accused Vance of peddling the great replacement theory, a conspiracy that argues non-white people are being brought into the United States to replace white voters in the United States. He said Vance has aligned himself with politicians who aim to stoke racist views that have led to mass shootings, such as one in Buffalo earlier this year.

Vance pushed back and was visibly angry, noting that he married a South Asian woman.

“Here’s exactly what happens when the media and people like Tim Ryan accuse me of engaging the great replacement theory: My own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power.”

Ryan said he wasn’t raised to attack anyone’s family and accused Vance of trying to avoid a discussion about his ties to “extremists.”

- Haley BeMiller

Vance says unrestricted migration is threat to the country; Ryan says Vance flirts with racism

Vance avoided explaining why he described undocumented migration as an "invasion." But he did say that Democrats want to sign up migrants as voters and that people should enter the United States under "proper channels."

"It's going to destroy this country if we don't get it under control," Vance said.

Ryan said Vance believes in the "great replacement theory," and that is stoking racial animosity.

More: Yes, American voter demographics are changing. No, that’s not what Replacement Theory is

Vance called that accusation "slander" and "disgusting," to which Ryan replied: "I think I struck a nerve with this guy."

– David Jackson

On policing, Vance says bad cops are rare

When the discussion turned to police accountability and whether they support keeping qualified immunity for law enforcement, Vance pivoted to criticizing the 2020 protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd.

The GOP contender cast those demonstrations — which saw millions marching for reforms — as a “summer of rioting and looting” that cost businesses millions.

Vance said efforts to strip police of qualified immunity (and allowing them to be held personally liable for their actions) by Ryan and the Democrats are directly responsible for the surge in violent crime being seen in many U.S. cities.

“The problem that we had after 2020 is we were so worried about the rare bad cop that we completely turned the federal government loose on our law enforcement, and the consequences has been streets that people don't feel safe to walk down,” he said.

- Phillip M. Bailey

Ryan: ‘We need a national discussion’ on policing

In policing, there is “clearly a problem,” said Ryan. He called for more investment in law enforcement but also to “get rid of the bad cops.”

“We have to understand that there’s a complicated relation between law enforcement and, primarily, the Black community,” Ryan said. “We’ve got to have a national discussion about this because there are bad cops that do bad things.”

- Ken Tran

Vance backs arming teachers

While discussing school shootings, Vance signaled support for an Ohio law that allows teachers to carry firearms in classrooms after 24 hours of training. But he said that can’t be the only solution and also called for increased funding for school resource officers.

Ryan disagrees with Ohio’s policy, although he said he understands the sentiment because of the fear that these shootings inspire.

“It is a very risky proposition to have a person that’s a school teacher trained to shoot in that environment with all those kids,” Ryan said.

Ryan also disputed Vance’s argument that more investments in mental health will curb shootings: “Mental health issues happen around the globe. This is the only country where we have these kids of things happening.”

- Haley BeMiller

Ryan calls for stronger gun control policies

Ryan pushed for stronger gun control while also preserving the “culture” of guns in Ohio.

“You can’t watch the level of violence that we have here and not think we need background checks,” said Ryan. “We need to make sure that these weapons of war are not readily available.”

“Kids are scared to go to school. They’re climbing under their desks. We see the crime in the cities. How do all these people get these unlawful guns?” continued Ryan, also criticizing Vance for proposing to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

- Ken Tran

Vance equates doubts about 2016 election to Jan. 6 insurrection

Vance declined to say whether he believes Trump should respond to a subpoena issued to him by the House committee investigating the jan. 6 assault on the Capitol.

He instead cast the investigation as a “political hit job” that’s distracting from other issues like inflation. He also criticized Ryan for not speaking out against unrest that occurred in cities across the country after George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police in 2020.

“There’s been a nonstop political effort to not honor the election of 2016,” Vance said. “That’s just as much of a threat to democracy as the violence on Jan. 6.”

- Haley BeMiller

Ryan says Trump should testify about Jan. 6; Vance denounces committee 'hit job'

Ryan said Trump should testify to a special congressional committee about the insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021 – and noted that Vance is friends with people who have raised defense funds for the insurrectionists.

Trump "should respond to the subpoena," Ryan said, referring to the subpoena the panel voted last week to issue the former president.

Vance said he would not presume to give Trump "legal advice," but he criticized the committee for pursuing a "political hit job."

The Republican also said he has consistently condemned the Jan. 6 violence, but that voters are more concerned about inflation and the economy.

– David Jackson

Vance presses Ryan on the border

One of the tensest moments of the debate was during the exchange on the border and illegal immigration.

Vance went on the offensive, saying as a lawmaker Ryan has voted against building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border "multiple times" and supports “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants. He then accused the congressman of inviting an undocumented immigrant to a State of the Union address.

“Tim Ryan took somebody to the State of the Union address, not somebody affected by the opioid problem, not a steel worker who lost his job because Tim Ryan didn't do his — he took an illegal alien,” Vance said.

- Phillip M. Bailey

Ryan calls Vance a “fraud' over immigration

When Vance attacked Ryan over the opioid epidemic and migrant crisis at the southern border, Ryan called him a “fraud.”

“I’m not gonna take any guff from you J.D., on this issue,” said Ryan, noting Vance’s investments in companies that hire foreign workers. “This is why J.D. Vance, with all due respect, is a fraud.”

Vance, defending himself, said he’s never been involved in any business “that has hired an illegal alien.”

“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about Tim,” Vance said, reiterating his criticism of Ryan.

- Ken Tran

Ryan disputes Biden (and Vance) on the border (and opioids)

Ryan was careful to criticize President Joe Biden on border security, saying a crackdown on migration would help block the spread of opioids into Ohio.

He also noted that Vance has support from the drug industry.

Who is Tim Ryan?: Q&A: Ohio Senate candidate Tim Ryan talks inflation, abortion and concerns about democracy

"I'm not going to take any guff from you on this," Ryan said at one point.

Biden is not particularly popular in Ohio - and Vance made sure to remind votes that Ryan has not worked to change border security.

"Do your job on border security," Vance said.

Vance also noted that Ryan also has support from the pharmaceutical industry.

 - David Jackson

Vance would support Graham bill banning most abortions beyond 15 weeks

Vance danced around questions about whether he believes there should any exceptions for abortion bans, arguing the cases are not black and white.

“An incest exception looks different at three weeks of pregnancy versus 39 weeks of pregnancy,” he said.

Instead, he advocated for providing more resources to pregnant people so they don’t feel pressured to get an abortion. He also indicated he would support a national ban on abortions after 15 weeks introduced by Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Ryan, meanwhile, has advocated for codifying Roe v. Wade.

- Haley BeMiller

Vance says Trump’s insults to him were a joke

Vance was asked to offer one criticism of Trump, after Trump said Vance was “kissing my a–!” for an endorsement.

“The thing that was wrong about the Trump administration was that they put a lot of people in the administration, a lot of bad personnel folks, who advocated limitless non-stop wars,” said Vance, singling out former National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Vance downplayed Trump’s comments, saying it was a joke.

“I didn’t take offense to it,” he said.

- Ken Tran

Ryan: I'm no Pelosi 'lap dog' - and Republicans will chew up Vance

Ryan disputed Vance's claim that he is a "lap dog" for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and said he often disagrees with the Democratic leader.

"I ran against Nancy Pelosi" for her leadership job, Ryan said at one point.

Instead, Ryan said Vance will be used by Donald Trump and other Republicans who want him to pursue bad policies.

"They will eat you up like a chew toy," Ryan told Vance.

– David Jackson

Ryan to Vance: Move back to San Francisco

Early in the debate while talking about America’s energy resources, Vance tried to connect Ryan to national Democrats — specifically President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

But Ryan, who has regularly cast himself as an independent voice, didn’t give his GOP opponent an inch when he brought up the president and speaker.

Who is J.D. Vance?: Q&A: Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance talks 2020 election, opioids and state of GOP

“I mean, J.D., you keep talking about Nancy Pelosi,” Ryan said. “If you want to run against Nancy Pelosi, move back to San Francisco and run against Nancy Pelosi —you're running against me.”

Pelosi represents San Francisco where Vance once worked in the tech industry.

- Phillip M. Bailey

Vance: Ryan is Biden's rubber stamp

Vance argued Ryan’s support of the Inflation Reduction Act underscores that he’s a rubber stamp for Democratic priorities. Ryan has voted with President Joe Biden’s policy agenda 100% of the time, according to FiveThirtyEight.

To curb inflation, Vance said the government needs to open up energy production and stop “spending money we don’t have.”

“I really wish Tim Ryan had stood up to his party on this vote,” Vance said.

- Haley BeMiller

First question: Inflation and government spending

The first question is to Ryan: Why did you vote for a big government spending bill when it could cause more inflation?

Ryan said the "Inflation Reduction Act" will live up to its name, and that improving supply chains is the key to reducing inflation. He also endorsed a "tax cut for working people."

Vance says big government spending such as that backed by Ryan is driving inflation.

– David Jackson

New poll shows Ryan, Vance neck-and-neck

A Suffolk University/USA TODAY Network poll released Monday found Republican J.D. Vance and Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan remain statistically tied with just three weeks until election day.

The author and venture capitalist leads Ryan by a razor thin margin of 47.4% to 45.4% after trailing in a previous Suffolk poll.

The previous debate: 4 takeaways from first Ohio Senate debate between Tim Ryan, J.D. Vance

Ohio governor's race: Poll: Gov. Mike DeWine leads Democrat Nan Whaley by double digits

The results were within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. Roughly 6% of voters were unsure who they’ll support. Monday’s poll is in line with other independent surveys that, on average, show Vance with a slight edge in the competitive race to replace retiring GOP Sen. Rob Portman.

- Haley BeMiller

It’s a tight race, but Vance still favored

If you look at the most recent polls, Democrat Tim Ryan and Republican J.D. Vance are engaged in one of the closet Senate races of the 2022 cycle.

FiveThirtyEight, a website that measures political data, looked at multiple surveys since the race started and shows Ryan, a 10-term congressman, leading by an average of less than half a percentage point.

Yet political forecasters give Vance, an author and venture capitalist, the edge and rank Ohio as a state that leans in the GOP’s favor.

In part, that’s because the state has been trending Republican in recent years with Sen. Sherrod Brown the only statewide Democrat in office. Another reason for cautiousness is how much previous polling was off.

In 2020, for instance, then-candidate Joe Biden was shown to be leading President Donald Trump in multiple polls heading into Election Day. Trump won Ohio by about 8%.

- Phillip M. Bailey

Ryan-Vance debate faces stiff TV competition: Cleveland in the baseball playoffs

In the best of circumstances, political debates tend to suffer low television ratings – and the Ryan-Vance contest is not happening at the greatest time.

The debate begins just minutes before the Cleveland Guardians play the New York Yankees in the baseball playoffs, a winner-take-all game to advance to the American League Championship Series.

In what might be a rare moment of bipartisan unity, look for both candidates to give shout-outs to the Ohio team, who are underdogs in the game being played at Yankee Stadium in New York.

– David Jackson

National Democrats aren’t backing up Ryan

Ryan has been pummeling Vance in terms of campaign fundraising and spending.

The congressman's campaign for Senate has raised $39 million — and spent $36.9 million — in the race thus far, according to federal campaign finance records. That’s far more than Vance, who has raked in $10.5 million and doled out $6.3 million.

Yet Republicans and their allies are bombarding Ohio voter’s televisions, smartphones and radios in the final weeks.

The money race: Tim Ryan is raising more than J.D. Vance. Can he counter national GOP spending?

Outside groups, led by Senate Leadership Fund — which is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign arm — have reserved more than $30 million in ads alone on Vance’s behalf.

But Ryan indicated that he isn’t getting the same support from national Democratic groups or Senate Majority PAC, which is aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“We’re out here fighting on our own,” Ryan told NBC News. “I mean, it’s David against Goliath.”

- Phillip M. Bailey

Ryan keeping an arms length away from Biden

The midterm elections have historically been unfavorable for the president's party, so Ryan has been distancing himself from President Biden as much as politically possible.

At last week’s debate, Ryan made explicitly clear he wasn’t interested in seeing Biden run for a second term.

“No I’ve been very clear, I’d like to see a generational change,” Ryan said of a reelection campaign from Biden. He also told Fox News he won’t be inviting Biden up to Ohio to campaign with him.

Ryan has been campaigning as a moderate who can break from the Democratic party at times. He has criticized Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and policy at the southern border.

- Ken Tran

Ryan has gotten mileage out of one line from last week's debate

In Cleveland last week, Ryan painted himself as independent of Democratic leadership and argued Vance would be beholden to Trump and McConnell, who have helped boost Vance's Senate campaign.

"Ohio needs an a-- kicker, not an a-- kisser," he said.

Ahead of tonight's debate, Ryan's campaign tweeted a meme of several flavors of chapstick, opining, "Wonder who JD's going to kiss up to tonight!"

- Haley BeMiller

Trump, schools: Vance, Ryan use social media to preview debate themes

The two Ohio Senate candidates warmed up for tonight's clash by hitting social media to attack their opponents on favored issues that are likely to surface tonight - including school policies and Donald Trump.

Vance took to Twitter to respond to a clip of a Ryan speech and argue that his Democratic opponent and teachers unions are turning schools into "a culture war battleground."

In a tweet, Vance said: "Sorry, Tim, I don't want my children learning about explicit sexual content at the age of 8. I'm sorry that you and (labor leader) Randi Weingarten disagree."

Ryan, meanwhile, emphasized Vance's ties to former President Donald Trump.

The Democratic candidate, noting that Trump once mocked Vance for kissing up to him, used one post to remind viewers of his most quoted line during the first debate:  "Ohio needs an a-- kicker, not an a-- kisser."

In another of a series of tweets, Ryan said: "Let’s kick some a-- at tonight's debate."

– David Jackson

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Tim Ryan, J.D. Vance debate for Ohio Senate seat: Recap