Sky News issues clarification after mistakenly describing Chris Kaba protest as tribute march for the Queen

Sky News has issued a clarification after a news report incorrectly described a protest march as a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.

The march, which took place in London on Saturday (10 September), was held to protest the death of Chris Kaba, a 24-year-old man shot dead by police in Streatham.

Kaba was unarmed when he was shot by a Met Police officer from the Specialist Firearms Command unit, while driving a vehicle.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has launched a homicide investigation into the incident.

Kaba’s shooting has provoked a public outcry, and was the reason for an organised protest held near Trafalgar Square on Saturday. However, a report on Sky News misidentified the march as being related to the death of the Queen.

The long-reigning monarch died in Balmoral on Thursday (8 September) at the age of 96.

Sky’s mistake was noticed by viewers and condemned on social media, with some people branding the error “disgraceful”.

The mistake was acknowledged on air later on Saturday afternoon. “Earlier this afternoon we showed pictures of a crowd of people in Trafalgar Square and described them as being ‘on their way to Buckingham Palace,” said a newsreader.

“We’d just like to make it clear that those pictures were actually of a protest that was taking place over the death of Chris Kaba, who was shot and killed by a police officer in south London.”

News anchor Sarah-Jane Mee issued an apology on Twitter, writing: “I made a mistake on air, I wrongly identified crowds in Trafalgar Sq as some of the 1000s heading to Palace when at that moment it was people turning out for Chris Kaba.

“I’d like to personally apologise to those involved. We are covering the march & it’s [sic] significance later today.”