Can SNP wunderkind Mairi McAllan get stalled plans for tourist route to the Highlands on track?

Mairi McAllan, the Scottish transport minister
Mairi McAllan has promised work on the A9 dualling will be complete by 2035 - ALAMY LIVE NEWS

The seemingly never-ending saga of the A9 – and the series of broken promises made about its improvement and the long-awaited removal of its tag as Scotland’s “killer” road – goes on.

However, all of those living on or near this road,  a supposed main artery for commerce as well as the principal tourist route to the Highlands, may be able to take comfort from one aspect of this week’s decision on the road’s future.

And that is that the Scottish cabinet minister who has drawn the shortest of short straws about having to honour pledges about completing the dualling of the A9 is Mairi McAllan.

Not that I’m aware of any special abilities this latest transport minister has that set her apart from her predecessors – except that she’s the Nats’ rising, and probably only, star turn in the present lacklustre ministerial team.

No ifs and no buts

The new, absolutely copper-bottom, no ifs and no buts, promise from the lady is that all the necessary A9 work will be completed by 2035, 10 years later than originally pledged.

As she’s only 30 now, if that target is met she will only be 42 when whoever has got her job cuts the ceremonial ribbon to open the new, safer, all-dual carriageway road. And we’ll know who to blame if the work’s not done and if the road continues to take its deadly annual toll.

In some respects, it would be nice to think that there was a way of making her see all the work completed on what has always been, to my mind, a horrible road. Nice, but not likely.

Transport ministers come and go like the buses in Princes Street and I certainly hope that this SNP government is but a distant memory by 2035. But there must be hope that this SNP “wunderkind” can at least inject some kind of continuity into the St Andrew’s House department that’s supposed to oversee this vital project.

The main problem is that administrations of every stamp have never taken the task of improving the 100-mile stretch of the A9 between Perth and Inverness at all seriously. There’s been something like seven (or eight if you count Labour versions from Holyrood’s ancient history) previous transport ministers who’ve failed miserably to make that road safer.

A rise like a rocket

Mind you, the last thing an obviously ambitious politician like Ms McAllan might fancy is to get stuck in a wholly unglamorous department such as transport for very long.

After all, she may be only 30 and was only elected to the Scottish Parliament two years ago, and yet she’s risen like a rocket through the serried ranks of nationalist mediocrity.

But having been a special advisor to Nicola Sturgeon ( remember her?) as first minister can’t have hindered her progress. She stopped being a “spad” in 2021 when she was first elected to Holyrood and just 13 days later she became a minister, taking on the environment and land reform portfolio.

If that wasn’t progress enough, two years later, following Ms Sturgeon’s resignation, she made it to the cabinet table in Bute House as Net Zero Secretary, promoted by new First Minister Humza Yousaf.

Highlands ‘seriously short-changed’

Earlier this year, transport was added to her portfolio when the Scottish Government at last recognised that the Highlands and the North East were being seriously short-changed by delays to the  A9 and also to the A96 between Aberdeen and Inverness.

There’s little doubt in the minds of their opponents that at least part of the problem can be laid at the door of the SNP’s power-sharing partners, the Scottish Greens, who don’t like road transport.

Ms McAllan already has a reputation among some Nats and government officials as being the “nippy sweetie”, a label also applied to Ms Sturgeon.

In spite of all these promotions, she hasn’t really had a proper job yet. Sorting the A9 would help the SNP rack up at least one success amid a galaxy of failures.

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