Sound Off: July 4, 2024


President Biden has had a speech impediment his entire life and there’s no denying he’s old. But he does have morals, understands governance and international affairs. Donald Trump continued his historical number of lies told to the American people, adding another 30 in the debate. He’s a proven adulterer, fired nearly all his own handpicked Cabinet members because they disagreed, has been convicted of sexual assault and 34 business felonies. And Trump has already said he will be a dictator for at least one day. Neither is the perfect candidate, but you can choose someone with morals, or someone severely lacking moral character.

Biden’s performance

Yes, President Biden had a poor performance during the debate. Apparently he had a cold and did not feel well, but he answered the questions presented to him. No doubt all of his supporters were disappointed. I watched him at a rally in Raleigh the next day and he was back to his normal self with a few coughs. I read where some people think everybody will now vote for Donald Trump, who refused to answer questions and lied all through the debate. He also indicated he may not accept the election results and will again try to steal the election as he tried, and failed, to do in 2020.

What matters

President Biden cares about all people in the United States, and he does his best to take care of the people. Donald Trump only cares about a certain group of people, and he chooses to talk about and downgrade the rest of the people.

I’m with Trump

Well, I do stand with Donald Trump. He puts the United States above himself. Yes, he has a massive ego and is a bull in a China shop, but inflated ego is something that is prevalent in most politicians. Further, he doesn’t waste tax dollars trying to buy votes to feed a lust for power like President Biden.

Time to go

First the president’s wife, and now his son, a convicted felon, is urging President Biden to continue his campaign for president. Why don’t they encourage him to gracefully retire from public life and enjoy retirement to a Delaware beach. Could their decision be self-serving? Maybe a pardon? Business connections? Protection from prosecution?

Keep crying

So, the hue and cry from the Democrats has started over the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity. I can certainly understand their disappointment. But, if there had been a serious, experienced and judiciously balanced Justice on the left, maybe things would have been different?

The Bible

So, Oklahoma is requiring teaching from the Bible? Just to clarify the issue, the closest the Constitution comes to addressing this is “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” in the First Amendment. This is often taken as “separation of church and state,” but it doesn’t say so. Strictly speaking, it says Congress can neither back nor deny religion. The Constitution is silent on what the States may or may not do.

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