Sound Off for June 12, 2024

Illegal vendors?

The City of Biloxi recently changed the rules concerning vendors. I noticed a vendor selling political flags and banners popping up around the city. Does this vendor have permission and has he paid the fee? Please check this out, Sun Herald.

Now what?

At the next Harrison County Planning Commission meeting it appears that leadership is ready to approve the permits for a liquor store and a cannabis dispensary across the street from the new multi-million dollar Buc-ee’s project. Has anyone looked into the developer’s background? Someone has and red flags should be up all over the place. However, the history of this unelected body is not really that great. They will predictably rubber stamp this and see it as a fantastic addition to the economic landscape at the corner of Menge and I-10. Right next to the wrecker yard and the greatest gas station ever built.

Hybrid / electric fee

Our tone-deaf legislature apparently thinks their constituents “doth protest too much.” After hearing our complaints about the charge of $75 for the hybrid/electric tag fee last year, they have upped it to $85 this year. Has there ever been a greater time when our elected officials from City Hall to Pennsylvania Avenue needed to be replaced?


What happened to surviving in America? How did things get so expensive in 3 years? Every family in the country is struggling to feed their children. We need help now, right now.

Go away

Donald Trump should just buy a country, make himself dictator and invite all his followers. Oh wait, he does own a compound where only the rich are welcome; if they pay. Has he invited any of you yet?

All those lies

The reader that questions what Donald Trump has lied about can easily find fact-checked lists of misleading or false statements he has made. Use your favorite search engine and query for “Trump’s lies” and dozens of pages will pop up. The Washington Post has probably the most extensive list numbering in the thousands. Such a list is mind-numbing, but there are shorter lists that are easy to follow including one from CNN. Of course you may not believe any of the lists, but they will give a serious researcher a place to start examining what former President Trump has said. There are also sites that track false and misleading statements by President Biden.

A good man

I was impressed by the story about Lynn Parkhill, founder of Taco Sombrero. Clearly, this man demonstrated that you don’t have to make headlines or hold high office to make the world a better place. We should all strive to leave such a legacy.

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