Sound Off for May 2, 2024

He’s your guy?

According to the AP, Donald Trump faces four criminal indictments in four different cities as he vies to reclaim the White House. These cases, totaling 91 felony counts, are winding through the courts at different speeds. Despite these allegations, he continues to rise in popularity and if the vote were held today, he would win by a large margin. This is appalling. Has our electorate devolved to the point where we desire to have a liar, narcissist, misogynist, and a person who has a blatant disregard for our criminal justice system to be our commander in chief? The oath of office requires the president to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” yet Trump openly states he will be a dictator. Is this the land of democracy our founding fathers envisioned, or do we prefer to have a government patterned after autocratic countries like Russia?

No grant here

The Gulf states of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida recently received Federal Highway Administration grants totaling nearly fifty-million dollars for projects aimed at reducing emissions. The State Port of Gulfport conspicuously received zero. Such grants usually are merit-based. Gulfport got nothing because they are not growing. Despite all the great publicity that comes out regarding potential negotiations and possibilities, things are stagnant. When will decision-makers be held accountable? You can’t blame COVID, the economy or the Middle East. After spending a billion post-Katrina dollars the needle has not moved at Gulfport while Houston, New Orleans and Mobile continue to show growth.

Christian values?

I am puzzled at people claiming to be upholders of Christian beliefs acting as if God sent Donald Trump to save the United States. He has a long record of breaking all the commandments. He shows that he is first in his life and he will always be looking to have what he wants. Right now his return to the presidency is first in his life with the intention of rewarding himself and deleting all that he wants of his past.

Blowing sand

The work on the east end of Biloxi to prevent sand from blowing onto the highway has worked. It needs to be repeated on other sections of the beach to solve that problem once and for all.

We’ll remember

Memorial Day is just around the corner, then the 4th of July. The price for goods and services, fuel, and food will ring hard in the hearts and minds of each of us and will weigh in November.

Be smart

For those who don’t know yet, this is not the Stone Age. We’re living in what’s referred to as the Information Age. There’s no excuse for being ill-informed about anything. Learn how to exercise your remote and switch from the Kardashians every now and then to a news channel. But which one, you might ask. Check them all out. To compare, a good start might be Morning Joe on MSNBC for several days then a couple days of America’s Newsroom on FOX News. Decide for yourself which ones are fair and balanced and take it from there. And if you’ve never heard of Jamie Raskin or Tony Bobulinski, don’t ever go back to the Kardashians, again. They’ve already fried your brain. So there’s that.

Poor guy

Donald Trump has a GoFundMe page to cover his legal bills. And y’all complain about the cost of food and gas.

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