Spain probes AI images of naked underage girls

STORY: Spain is investigating AI images

of naked girls as young as 13 years old

created and shared by their peers,

which may constitute a sex crime

A prosecutor received a 200-page dossier

with around 20 complaints from families

Miriam al Adib, mother of victim:

“When she showed me the images, when my daughter shows me hers in particular, when I saw it I thought, 'because I know my daughter's body, if I did not know it, I wouldn't have a clue as to whether it's real or not.'"

Al Adib says the fake pictures

had been circulating on WhatsApp for months

She also says the girls, aged 13-15, have

been terrified and suffering anxiety attacks

Fernando Miro, AI advisor to the Council of Europe:

“What we have to deal with now is essentially to see what responsibility the people who have participated in creating and distributing these images have and also to see how to prevent further victimization and further dissemination of these images, which is another issue too.”