Swarm of winged bugs seen on the beach in the Myrtle Beach, SC area. What are they?

A swarm of winged bugs were found on the beach in the Garden City area, leaving people wondering what they are.

Michelle Forbes-Gladhill posted a video she took of a large group of winged bugs in a Murrells Inlet Facebook group on Thursday. She said she has been going to the Garden City Beach at least once a week for the last five years and has never seen anything like it.

Without being up close, there is no way to confirm, but based on the videos, it appears to be ants.

“It definitely looks like ant swarmers of some kind,” said a spokesperson from Beach Pest Services in an email. “Nothing harmful though from what I can see.”

Swarming bugs can get caught up in wind, so they can end up wherever the wind takes them, meaning it’s not abnormal to see a swarm on the beach, the spokesperson said.

Other guesses were love bugs or termites, but love bugs have a red spot on their back and termite wings are much longer.