Swindon council slammed for error-laden plaque to pandemic heroes

 (Swindon Borough Council)
(Swindon Borough Council)

A council has apologised for unveiling an error-laden plaque dedicated to the heroes of the pandemic.

Swindon borough council planted a tulip tree in honour of their volunteer residents who helped vaccinate their residents.

They tweeted: “The tree was planted in honour of the 690 volunteers who worked, and continue to work, tirelessly @steam_museum in support of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. We’d like to say a massive thank you to them for all that they do.”

But Labour parish councillor Mike Davies noticed some problems with the spelling and punctuation on the plaque days after it was unveiled.

The wording on the plaque included a spelling mistake, errant capital letters, and a full stop in the wrong place.

It also had the wrong date for the pandemic , marking it on March 2019, months before the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China and a year before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global pandemic.

Mr Davies tweeted: “Nice idea by Swindon Council, but very poorly executed.

“Random capitalisation, American spelling and mistakes…”

A spokesman for Swindon Borough Council told the Swindon Advertiser: “We have removed the plaque and a new one will be installed as soon as possible.”