Tamron Hall Is Ready for a ‘Family Feud’ Rematch Against Stephen A. Smith: ‘I Heard He Alleged We Cheated’ (Video)
Tamron Hall (“The Tamron Hall Show”) is ready to take on ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith (“First Take”) for a second round of “Celebrity Family Feud,” as the TV host said she heard Smith was allegedly spreading some cheating rumors.
“Aw, poor Stephen A. Poor guy. I’m telling you first; if Stephen A. would like a rematch, ‘The Tamron Hall Show’ is available. So you heard it here first!” Hall told TheWrap in a Wednesday interview while discussing the previous matchup against Smith and his team, which was made up of his family members.
“I heard, I didn’t see it, but I heard he alleged that we cheated,” Hall went on, in video you can watch above. “He is the ultimate competitor.”
The two journalists went head-to-head on Sunday, with Hall competing with friends. The episode even gained online attention after Hall gave a hilarious answer to one of the game’s question, which was, “We asked 100 married men, if you inherited a fortune, what’s the first thing you would give your wife?”
Hall laughingly replied: “A divorce!” Hall’s response ended up being the fifth and final answer that allowed them to steal that round of points from Smith after they’d X’d themselves out.
“We had a great time,” Hall said, who mentioned that she initially was apprehensive about going on. “I had been invited a couple of times to do the show, and I always declined because I don’t want to be embarrassed on national TV. Game shows are humbling. It’s like getting fired on publicly!”
She even reflected on the moment when she accidentally walked away from host Steve Harvey after she gave her answers during the “Fast Money” segment of the show.
“I walked off because I thought I was done, and I’m like standing there like, ‘Oh my God!'” Hall said. “But Steve is the best. He does the best improv. He’s just the best.”
The talk show host also reflected on her more than decade-long friendship with Harvey.
“I’ve known Steve since my 20s, living in Dallas and Fort Worth, in my early 20s. I have so much respect for him,” Hall said. “He’s always been someone that I’ve admired. He reminds me every time I speak with him about the importance of knowing your value, and making sure that when you are in the room, if they don’t see you, make them see you.”
While Hall’s team didn’t have enough points (184) by the end of the game, Harvey said their charity Safe Horizon would still get $10,000.
“Tamron Hall” will make its Season 5 return on Sept. 5.
Watch a highlight video of the Hall and Smith episode of “Family Feud” below.
TheWrap reached out to a representative of Smith’s for a request for comment.
The post Tamron Hall Is Ready for a ‘Family Feud’ Rematch Against Stephen A. Smith: ‘I Heard He Alleged We Cheated’ (Video) appeared first on TheWrap.