Teacher at Montreal French private school charged with sex crimes

Alexandre Gagné, an economics teacher at Collège Stanislas, faces charges, including sexual assault and exploitation.  (Alexandre Gagné Facebook - image credit)
Alexandre Gagné, an economics teacher at Collège Stanislas, faces charges, including sexual assault and exploitation. (Alexandre Gagné Facebook - image credit)

Economics teacher Alexandre Gagné has been fired from Collège Stanislas in Montreal after he was charged with 15 sex crimes allegedly committed against seven young people from 2019 to 2022.

He appeared Tuesday afternoon at the Montreal courthouse.

Gagné, 48, faces 15 charges including sexual exploitation, sexual assault, luring, issuing threats, distribution of child pornography, making sexually explicit material available to a child, extortion and distribution of cannabis.

On Tuesday, the French private school in Montreal's Outremont borough emailed parents to confirm his suspension and to condemn his alleged behaviour.

Then on Wednesday, the school sent another email saying he is no longer employed by the college. They write that the criminal records of all staff members are checked.

"We remain in close collaboration with the SPVM to help develop the investigation and encourage all students or staff members who are victims of abuse or harassment to contact the competent authorities," the letter to parents reads.

Principal Thomas Saène said psychological support will be available to those who want it.

"We would like to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring a healthy and safe study and work environment, free from all forms of harassment and violence of any kind," Saène said.