'The Young Pope' Does Its Best to Shock the Audience

HBO premiered The Young Pope Sunday night, starring Jude Law as Pope Pius XIII. The first few moments of the show had the pontiff crawling out from under a pile of babies, and the episode continued down a shocking path from there.

The pope addressed the thousands of people gathered in St. Peter’s Square and said, “We have forgotten the women and children, who will change this world with their love and their kindness…” and then continued with, “And what else have we forgotten? We have forgotten to masturbate, to use contraceptives, to get abortions, to celebrate gay marriages…” The list continued on, although it wasn’t quite what it seemed. The first 10 minutes of the show was all just a dream, but after the pontiff woke up, it was still a nightmare for everyone in the Vatican, because the young pope’s people skills were seriously lacking.

Jude’s character was brash and unapologetic, making a sweet old nun cry and a respected cardinal get him coffee before lighting up a cigarette. It will be interesting to see where the show goes from here, but if its only objective is to have a pope say and do things that are shocking just to be shocking, then it may not go far.

The Young Pope airs Sundays and Mondays at 9 p.m. on HBO.

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