Thought-Provoking Quotes that Highlight the True Nature of Feminism

To this day, a number of men and women wrongly interpret feminism as man-hating. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines feminism as ‘a theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes’. Let’s understand what that actually means.

Whether you go back to the earliest traces of feminism when Plato advocated that women be trained to govern ancient Greece, or revisit the 19th century Women’s Suffrage Movement, or even the latest #metoo movement from 2017, it remains a difficult task to educate the world on what feminism truly stands for. But some words by the strongest of women this world has seen, define the ultimate goal of feminism – that of equality and inclusion.

Thought-provoking quotes that highlight the true nature of feminism
Thought-provoking quotes that highlight the true nature of feminism

Here are 11 famous quotes on feminism by powerful women who propagated and fought for an equal place for women in society. Use them when you stand in solidarity with the ongoing fight or to help someone understand feminism better.

‘Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.’- Maya Angelou. This quote tells us why it is so important for us to stand up for ourselves even if it seems selfish because the act of it alone sets an emboldening example for others to follow.

‘Teach her that the idea of 'gender roles' is absolute nonsense. Do not ever tell her that she should or should not do something because she is a girl. “Because you are a girl” is never reason for anything. Ever.’ - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. An important message to all women reading this, especially those who have young impressionable girls in their lives. Gender roles are stifling and limit human potential. They are regressive and have no role in modern society.

‘I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.’ - Malala Yousafzai. The youngest Nobel laureate, an activist for female education, and a fighter who captivated the world, Malala has won the hearts of millions of people globally, and this quote tells you why. It takes immense courage to do what she did when her world was against her.

‘My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant to be your own person, be INDEPENDENT.’- Ruth Bader Ginsburg. All too often we hear men and other women say to us, “Why don’t you act like a lady?” Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late associate judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, sums up a perfect response and briefs us on what it means to be a ‘Lady’.

‘I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.’- Audre Lord. In June 1981, Audre Lorde spoke these words at a keynote presentation in Storrs, Connecticut. She emphasised that her response to the suppression of women was anger. This quote is why all of us need to keep fighting for feminism and need to remember that the fight is not over until all women are free and equal.

‘It's hard not to be a fighter when you're constantly under siege.’ - Cassandra Duffy. How many times have you, as a woman, been accused of being aggressive when all you were trying to do was express yourself? This calm, well-articulated response by author Cassandra Duffy is exactly what we must say whenever our expression is questioned. Women are perennially engaged in a battle with society; how can they possibly shed their armours?

‘A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.’ - Gloria Steinem. This is for all the women out there who are tired of explaining that feminism is not a movement for women alone. Fearlessly call yourself a feminist because you are someone who can see the equality of both men and women.

‘Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.’ - Marie Shear. Nothing explains feminism better than this quote by writer and activist, Marie Shear. It’s thought-provoking in its minimalistic wording and is perfect to get the idea of feminism across to cynics.

‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’ - Eleanor Roosevelt. This quote made the headlines in 1940 across publications in the United States. It is a curt response to people who think they can make you feel inferior using their words or actions, much like the then first lady felt when the Labour Secretary refused to moderate for her.

‘In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.’ - Sheryl Sandberg. This quote from Sheryl Sandberg’s best-selling book, ‘Lean In’, is a hard-hitting reminder that reservations are just a temporary step towards equal representation; that we are compelled to highlight “Female CEO’s” and “Female Judges” until the time comes when society is normalised to the idea of women in power.

“I know enough women who are totally patriarchal, who are totally anti-women; who do nasty things to other women, and I have known men who have worked for women’s rights their whole life. Feminism is not biological. Feminism is an ideology.” - Kamla Bhasin. Kamla Bhasin is an Indian developmental feminist, activist, poet, author, and social scientist. This quote is simple and straight to the point; anyone can be a feminist, man or woman. It is not about the gender you were born into, rather, it is about the choices you make in life.

We should carry forward the voices and words of these strong female advocates of feminism, and use all our knowledge to thrust forward and educate everyone on why feminism is vital for society and its future.

(Edited by Varsha Roysam)

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