A trend from the 1980s is back, and a new downtown Wichita business is embracing it

In the 1980s, finding your personal color palette — are you a spring, summer, fall or winter? — was all the rage.

The trend is back, apparently partly thanks to social media, and Morgan Lahey is capitalizing on it with a franchise called House of Colour that she’s bringing downtown to 104 B. North St. Francis, around the corner from the Old Mill Tasty Shop.

“I do color analysis and style consulting,” she said. “We use color science.”

Lahey takes dyed drapes and places them across customers.

“We use color theory. . . . We go through and find the best color for a person.”

Then she helps customers choose the best colors for makeup, jewelry, clothing and hair.

“We find your best color palette, and then you use it for everything,” Lahey said. “And then you’ll know your colors forever.”

The initial cost is $280 for an approximately three-hour service.

“It just takes time,” Lahey said. “We have to go through so many precision-dyed drapes.”

She offers other services as well for an extra price.

“Within your color palette, we can find your absolute best colors,” Lahey said.

Instead of simply a blue, that might be a cool blue. Or instead of yellow, that might be a warm yellow. It’s gradations of color.

She said she also offers personal shopping, such as buying vacation or wedding attire or a whole new wardrobe based on a person’s new colors.

House of Colour also offers makeup.

“The makeup is all done using color theory as well,” Lahey said.

The London-based company has more than 300 consultants across the United States.

Lahey had been in pre-nursing at Wichita State University, but for her birthday last year, her mother gave her a present of getting her colors done.

“I was super interested. I just loved it so much. I just wanted to go full force into this.”

She said knowing your colors can help you make sustainable purchases.

“You want to always look and feel your best, and it helps build your wardrobe, and you don’t have to go out and spend money on things that don’t make you look and feel your best.”

House of Colour opens next week.

Lahey said if people give it a shot, they can experience the joy of knowing what colors work best for them.

“I think everybody just feels it.”

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