Canadians think Trump will win election in 2020, study says
Even as Canada's own federal election looms around the corner, Canadians are speculating out the outcome of the 2020 U.S. election and how it will impact them. And the outlook is not good.
This is one of the key findings of a new study by the Angus Reid Institute that measured the attitudes of Canadians toward the current U.S. administration and took stock of predictions about its future.
The study found that 50 per cent of people surveyed believe there is a good chance Americans will elect U.S. President Donald Trump for a second term.
If Trump is re-elected, 67 per cent said they believed it would impact Canada negatively, while only eight per cent said they believed a second term for Trump would benefit Canada.
These latest findings are consistent with the overwhelmingly negative attitude Canadians have had toward Trump and his administration since he took the oath of office in 2017.
In fact, an Angus Reid study conducted immediately after the 2016 U.S. election and months before Trump assumed the office found that 62 per cent of Canadians were upset with the outcome of the election. Most predicted Trump’s presidency would have a negative impact on the two countries' overall relations, while only one-in-ten said it would have a positive impact.
Another Angus Reid poll conducted in January 2018, a year after Trump took office, found Canadians' views of the presidency had worsened since his first few weeks in office. More than three-quarters of respondents said they were pessimistic about the next three years.
Today, seven-in-ten Canadians say they have an overall negative opinion of the administration’s performance since Trump assumed office in January 2017, and 72 per cent say they feel pessimistic about the next year and a half leading up to the 2020 election.
Men, particularly those 35 to 54 years of age, continue to be more supportive of the Trump presidency than women, with one quarter maintaining a positive view of the administration compared to only one-in-ten women.
The Trump administration’s popularity is highest in Alberta, where people are most likely to say a second Trump term would be positive. At the other end of the spectrum, Quebec, Atlantic Canada and British Columbia are most concerned that a win for the Republican leader would be negative for Canada.
What do you think? Do you believe Trump will be re-elected? If he is, how do you think it will impact Canada?
Let us know by responding to the polls above or have your say in the comments below.