With Trump gaining in the 2024 primary polls, it's go (or never go) time for DeSantis

When former President Donald Trump appears on CNN Wednesday for a town hall event, the spotlight will be right where he likes it: on him.

It will be his first time on CNN since the 2016 presidential campaign, and in the subsequent years, Trump has maligned the network – and many other media outlets – as “fake news” or worse.

My guess is he’s warming to CNN now as a way to contrast himself with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – Trump’s most formidable 2024 opponent to date. Rather than call the mainstream media names, DeSantis has taken the approach of ignoring them altogether. So most of DeSantis’ national appearances are on Fox News or publications he knows will be sympathetic to him.

Are voters tired of Trump? Many Republicans don't want Trump to be the 2024 GOP nominee. But Democrats sure do.

Does Trump have the Republican nomination sealed up?

We’re still a long way out from the first Republican primary of 2024, but the latest polls indicate Trump is gaining momentum. Most polls show he’s got more than twice the support of DeSantis, and while DeSantis is still miles ahead of other GOP contenders, his numbers are trending in the wrong direction.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during a conference titled "Celebrate the Faces of Israel" at Jerusalem's Museum of Tolerance, on April 27, 2023. (Photo by Maya Alleruzzo / POOL / AFP) (Photo by MAYA ALLERUZZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) ORIG FILE ID: AFP_33DX7TL.jpg
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during a conference titled "Celebrate the Faces of Israel" at Jerusalem's Museum of Tolerance, on April 27, 2023. (Photo by Maya Alleruzzo / POOL / AFP) (Photo by MAYA ALLERUZZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) ORIG FILE ID: AFP_33DX7TL.jpg

It’s not all gloomy, though, for the governor, who hasn’t yet officially declared himself a candidate.

He’s proven a strong fundraiser and has raked in significantly more money than Trump has thus far. This indicates donors are still looking for someone besides Trump.

And other surveys show that Republicans are open to a different candidate, too. A CBS News poll found that 24% of Republicans will consider voting only for Trump, while 49% are considering Trump and other candidates. The rest say they won’t consider Trump, period.

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American Enterprise Institute fellow Marc Thiessen recently observed that this means nearly 80% of GOP voters aren’t tied solely to Trump, boding well for another candidate.

Tough road ahead for DeSantis

Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele is far from convinced anyone can usurp Trump at this point, regardless of all the baggage the former president brings.

“I think the underlying reality is Trump has command within the GOP,” Steele told me. “There is nobody seemingly who is able to dislodge him from that command.”

Can DeSantis take on Trump – and win? Freshly indicted Trump has gone from mocking DeSantis to begging him not to run. SAD!

While polls highlight DeSantis trailing Trump in the primary, a potential matchup between DeSantis and President Joe Biden shows that it would be a tough race for the incumbent president. And DeSantis has a stronger lead over Biden than Trump does.

Getting to the general election will be DeSantis’ fiercest fight. Trump is scared of DeSantis, which is why he’s put so much energy into calling him names and trying to belittle him (Trump’s “pudding fingers” attack ad against DeSantis is embarrassing – but typical Trump).

Trump has also eschewed getting on the RNC debate stage with any of the GOP contenders later this summer, believing his appearance with any of them would only bolster their campaigns.

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DeSantis needs to take the fight to Trump

Steele says GOP candidates must answer this question: Are you prepared to lose the primary in order to win the general? Candidates are going to have to be ready to risk alienating some Trump supporters to start leading the party in a different direction – one that aligns more with the principles Republicans have long defended.

“If you're not prepared to lose the primary, meaning if you're not prepared to take Donald Trump out, to call out his BS, to tell him to shut the hell up and go away, that you got this,” Steele said. “Unless you're prepared to do what you need to do in the primary, shut up and sit down. You're not going anywhere.”

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DeSantis strikes me as someone who's prepared to give Trump a run for his money. It won’t be easy – Trump is never going to play nice with DeSantis or anyone else challenging him.

If Republicans want to take back the White House in 2024, however, they need a candidate willing to take on Trump.

USA TODAY columnist Ingrid Jacques
USA TODAY columnist Ingrid Jacques

Ingrid Jacques is a columnist at USA TODAY. Contact her at ijacques@usatoday.com or on Twitter: @Ingrid_Jacques

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump campaigns on CNN. When will DeSantis run for 2024 GOP primary?