Fulton County DA wants Trump co-defendant jailed for witness intimidation: Live

Fulton County DA wants Trump co-defendant jailed for witness intimidation: Live

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked Judge Scott McAfee to jail Donald Trump’s Georgia election subversion co-defendant Harrison Floyd because of his efforts to “intimidate co-defendants and witnesses”.

This is the first time the DA’s office has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the sprawling racketeering case concerning attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the state.

Meanwhile, the former president’s attorneys have filed a mistrial motion in the New York civil fraud case brought against the former president, his sons, and his company the Trump Organization as well as key executives, by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The former president’s defence team claims there is bias in the proceedings, saying that Judge Arthur Engoron’s conduct and his law clerk’s role in the trial would cause observers to “question the court’s partiality”.

On Truth Social on Tuesday, Mr Trump shared a post from a supporter whose “fantasy” is seeing Ms James and Judge Engoron “placed under citizens arrest” for “blatant election interference and harassment”. This comes just days after the former president was compared to Hitler for describing adversaries as “vermin”.

Key Points

  • Fulton County DA wants to jail Trump co-defendant over witness intimidation

  • Trump lawyers file mistrial motion in New York fraud case

  • Trump shares call for ‘citizens arrest’ of Letitia James and his fraud trial judge

  • Trump official said ‘the boss is not going to leave’ despite 2020 defeat, Georgia prosecutors told

  • Jack Smith: Trump wants to turn Jan 6 case into media ‘carnival'

  • Trump co-defendant’s lawyer admits to proffer video leak as Fulton County trial protective order agreed

NYAG asks until 8 December to respond to fraud mistrial motion

15:01 , Oliver O'Connell

New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office has asked Judge Arthur Engoron to give her until 8 December to respond to former president Donald Trump’s “spurious allegations” in the mistrial motion filed by his defence team in his ongoing New York civil fraud trial.

In a letter to the judge, Kevin Wallace, senior enforcement counsel of the Division of Economic Justice, cites a “demonstrable lack of urgency, the impending Thanksgiving holiday, and the fact that the ongoing trial necessitates considerable daily attention” as reasons for asking for time to respond to the motion.

NY fraud trial: Day 30 (!) of Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial to get underway soon

14:40 , Oliver O'Connell

What happened yesterday in court?

After the motion for a mistrial based on bias allegations against Judge Arthur Engoron and his law clerk that the Trump legal team filed in the morning, testimony continued in the Trump Organization civil fraud trial in New York, with expert witness Jason Flemmons back on the stand being questioned by the defence.

Mr Flemmons, who qualifies as an expert having worked for PwC, FTI Consulting and Ankura, as well as being an ex-SEC auditor, testified that accounting regulations allow for “wildly” different valuations depending on different methods, and that doesn’t make them fraudulent.

Asked by Judge Engoron whether he believes the numbers are correct, Mr Flemmons responded: “My testimony is really limited to the methods … not necessary to the numbers that are attached to them.”

On another brief tour of Trump’s real estate assets, Mr Flemmons was asked about the former president’s statements of financial condition, which were compiled by outside accounting firm Mazars.

It transpired through his testimony that the method of determining the value of each property for the purpose of the statements of financial condition was disclosed to the firm in the supporting data.

Mr Flemmons was asked if Trump had disclosed an improper asset valuation method to Mazars, would the accounting firm be required to bring it up with him.

“Yes … professional standards that are applicable to Mazars would require them to do just that,” he replies.

Testimony continued after lunch with direct examination by Jesus Suarez.

After covering the valuation of the Trump brand on licencing deals, Suarez asked: “Was the basis for the valuation of properties in the statements of financial condition accurately described?”

“I believe so, yes,” Mr Flemmons replied.

Suarez asked: “In connection with your review of the [financial statements] and the supporting data, what, if any, GAAP departures did you observe that were not disclosed?”

“I don’t believe I identified any additional discrepancies with GAAP that were not disclosed,” Mr Flemmons answered.

Kevin Wallace, counsel for the New York Attorney General’s office, then began cross-examination. The NY AG tried to have Mr Flemmons barred as a witness as he was a rebuttal to a witness the prosecution had not used after the pre-trial ruling found Mr Trump et al liable for fraud.

Wallace asked about specific transactions and if GAAP departures were disclosed in the financial statements relating to them. Mr Flemmons said he lacked that information.

Asked if someone could make their own valuation of Trump Tower based on the disclosure, he said someone wouldn’t need the disclosure as there are other ways to value the property.

Turning to appraisals of properties — some of which were commissioned but then not used for valuations in financial statements — Mr Flemmons was asked if he didn’t believe they had an obligation to provide accountants with copies of the appraisals for the compilation of the financial statements at the heart of the case.

“That’s correct,” he replied.

Mr Flemmons reiterated that you could perform 12 different valuations using different acceptable methods and only disclose the results of one to accountants compiling financial statements, and that would be fine, according to professional accounting standards.

Cross-examination will continue at 10am.

Fulton County prosecutors want Trump’s co-defendant jailed for witness intimidation

14:24 , Oliver O'Connell

One of Donald Trump’s co-defendants in Georgia’s election interference case could return to jail after he repeatedly violated the terms of his release, according to prosecutors in Atlanta.

A filing from the office of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis argues that Harrison Floyd, the leader of Black Voices for Trump, has “engaged in a pattern of intimidation” against his co-defendants and witnesses since he was released on bond in August.

Mr Floyd, like his co-defendants, was charged under the state’s anti-racketeering statute for allegedly joining a criminal enterprise to reverse Mr Trump’s loss in the state in the 2020 presidential election. He also is charged with conspiracy to commit solicitation of false statements and writings and influencing witnesses.

The terms of his release prohibited him from intimidating co-defendants and witnesses and from communicating “in any way, directly or indirectly, about the facts of the case” with any co-defendants or witnesses, except through his counsel.

Prosecutors say he has since “engaged in numerous intentional and flagrant violations of the conditions of release,” including multiple social media posts about plea deals for co-defendants Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell and posts about Georgia election officials who are witnesses in the case.

Alex Woodward has the details.

Georgia prosecutors want Trump’s co-defendant jailed for witness intimidation

How the Fulton County protective order hearing unfolded yesterday

14:10 , Oliver O'Connell

The defendants in the sprawling Georgia election interference RICO case, and the Fulton County DA’s office, have agreed on a more limited protective order proposed by defendant David Shafer.

Judge McAfee asked whether adopting the order would pave the way for hearings whenever there are disagreements over what constitutes ‘sensitive’ material.

Will Wooten of the DA’s office says they would consider witness proffers, personal identifying information and some business records would be considered sensitive.

Among other things, the order would require the DA’s office to designate certain evidence as “sensitive materials” and give defendants time to contest the designation.

During a roll call to ensure that everyone was in agreement, Jonathan Miller, an attorney for defendant Misty Hampton, says he shared the proffers with a media outlet.

He told Judge McAfee he shared the proffers with the media because the four defendants who had struck plea deals did so in public and to hide the proffers in his mind misleads the public as to what went into those deals and what is going on.

“I don’t believe that two of those defendants were directly related to my client, and I don’t believe that either one of those hurt my client. If anything, I believe they help my client, and the public needs to know that,” Mr Miller argued

There were reports yesterday based on an alleged typo that it was attorneys for defendant Harrison Floyd who had leaked the information, which they vehemently denied.

Before the end of the hearing, Tom Clyde, representing a group of media outlets, objected to the imposition of a protective order saying the standard for one has not been met and that recent events have not given weight to the need for one — there is no physical or economic threat to witnesses.

Mr Clyde notes this is a very different situation to that of grand jurors and jury selection for the upcoming trial.

Speaking for the state, Mr Wooten argued that the media has no standing in this order and that those parties who do have all agreed with only a few specific objections.

Judge McAfee says he will put together a protective order in the same vein as that pitched by David Shafer as everyone is on board including those who do not believe it is needed.

As the hearing wrapped up Harrison Floyd’s lawyers changed their mind and joined media outlets in opposition.

NYAG says Trump trying to distract with mistrial motion

13:50 , Oliver O'Connell

New York Attorney General Letitia James has commented on the mistrial motion Donald Trump’s legal team has filed in his civil fraud case currently on trial in Lower Manhattan.

“Once again, Donald Trump is trying to dismiss the truth and the facts, but the numbers and evidence don’t lie,” she says.

“Donald Trump is now being held accountable for the years of fraud he committed and the incredible ways he lied to enrich himself and his family,” the attorney general says. “He can keep trying to distract from his fraud, but the truth always comes out.”

Meadows requests two-month delay in his Georgia criminal case

13:40 , Oliver O'Connell

Lawyers for Mark Meadows have asked Judge Scott McAfee for a two-month delay on two key pre-trial deadlines in the Fulton County, Georgia 2020 election interference case.

The former White House chief of staff is trying to get his portion of the sprawling racketeering case moved to a federal court.

In a four-page motion, his attorneys ask to shift the deadline for discovery from 4 December to 5 February 2024 and the deadline for pre-trial motions from 8 January to 4 March 2024.

Mr Meadows’s lawyers are preparing to go before a three-judge panel in the 11 Circuit of the US Court of Appeals next month to overturn a lower court’s opinion that he must stand trial alongside his 14 co-defendants including former president Donald Trump (a further four have agreed plea deals with prosecutors).

ICYMI: Trump lawyers file mistrial motion in New York fraud case

13:20 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump’s attorneys have filed a mistrial motion in the New York civil fraud case brought against the former president, his sons, and his company the Trump Organization as well as key executives, by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The former president’s defence team argues in part: “This appearance of bias threatens both Defendants’ rights and the integrity of the judiciary as an institution. As developed herein, in this case the evidence of apparent and actual bias is tangible and overwhelming. Such evidence, coupled with an unprecedented departure from standard judicial procedure, has tainted these proceedings and a mistrial is warranted. Specifically, the Court’s own conduct, coupled with the Principal Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield’s (“Principal Law Clerk”) unprecedented role in the trial and extensive, public partisan activities, would cause even a casual observer to question the Court’s partiality. Thus, only the grant of a mistrial can salvage what is left of the rule of law.”

You can read the accompanying memo in support of the arguments here.

Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’ according to Trump

13:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump took a break from bashing public officials in his New York civil fraud case and his 2024 rivals to take on Kim Kardashian.

In a rambling Truth Social rant, the former president called the reality TV star-turned-social justice campaigner the “World’s most overrated celebrity.”

His criticism comes as Jonathan Karl writes in his new book, Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party, how the reality star leveraged her celebrity to urge the then-president to commute certain prison sentences.

Kelly Rissman has the story.

Trump rants that Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’

FBI director bats away bizarre Jan 6 ‘ghost bus’ conspiracy

12:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The director of the FBI has dismissed a suggestion that several so-called “ghost buses” were used by the bureau to help organise the violent protests at the US Capitol on January 6.

Chistopher Wray said he was unfamiliar with the term when presented with the theory by pro-Trump Republican congressman Clay Higgins, who said such vehicles were used for “nefarious” purposes.

The exchange took place during the ongoing hearings into the insurrections in Washington DC, in which thousands of right-wing supporters of former president Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building in an effort to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden after the Democrat won the 2020 election.

On Wednesday, Mr Wray was asked about the possibility of involvement from FBI agents in the events, and the use of vehicles used for “secret purposes”.

“If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and or agents, the answer is emphatically no,” he said, under questioning from Mr Higgins.

Read the full report by Mike Bedigan

Giuliani and Ellis could testify in election workers’ defamation trial

11:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Rudy Giuliani might be headed to the witness stand to testify in his own defence during a trial that will determine how much damage his false statements caused a mother-daughter pair of election workers at the centre of bogus conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election.

Donald Trump’s former attorney, who was found liable for defaming Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, could be called to testify about his false statements as well as his team’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to a Tuesday filing with an outline of the case.

Jenna Ellis, among attorneys alongside Mr Giuliani who launched a spurious legal campaign to overturn election results, also is on the trial’s witness list, along with other Trump-connected figures Bernie Kerik and Christina Bobb, among others.

A trial is scheduled to begin on 11 December and will last up to four days.

Alex Woodward reports.

Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis could testify in election workers’ defamation trial

Trump co-defendant’s attorney confesses to Georgia witness videos leak

10:45 , Rachel Sharp

The source of the leak of several witness proffer videos in Donald Trump’s sweeping RICO election interference case in Georgia has now been revealed.

Jonathan Miller, an attorney for one of Mr Trump’s co-defendants Misty Hampton, confessed in a court hearing on Wednesday that he was responsible the leak.

Mr Miller told Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee that he was coming clean so that he can “sleep well tonight” and to prevent anyone else shouldering the blame – after legal teams for Mr Trump and co-defendant Rudy Giuliani sought to pin the leak on District Attorney Fani Willis’ office.

“In being transparent with the court and to make sure that nobody else gets blamed for what happened and so that I can go to sleep well tonight, judge, I did release those videos to one outlet,” Mr Miller confessed.

“In all candor to the court, I need the court to know that.”

Read the full story here

Marjorie Taylor Greene grilled about ‘Jewish space lasers’

10:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Far-right US congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has refused to explain her infamous remarks about so-called “Jewish space lasers” during a chaotic interview with Piers Morgan.

Confronted on British TV on Tuesday night about her past statements on Facebook, Ms Greene claimed that her words had been “twisted” and insisted that she was “not antisemitic at all”.

But she declined to clarify exactly what she meant when she suggested back in 2018 that wildfires in California had been deliberately started using orbital light beams as part of a complex scheme involving the state utility company PG&E, then state governor Jerry Brown, and the Jewish Rothschild family.

Io Dodds has the story.

Piers Morgan grills Marjorie Taylor Greene about ‘Jewish space lasers’

Fani Willis: Trump’s Georgia RICO trial may not end until 2025

09:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The racketeering case against Donald Trump and his allies for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia may not conclude until the beginning of 2025, according to Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.

That means the trial could last through the key final stages of the 2024 election.

“I believe in that case there will be a trial. I believe the trial will take many months. And I don’t expect that we will conclude until the winter or the very early part of 2025,” she said at a Washington Post summit on Tuesday.

Trump’s Georgia RICO trial may not end until 2025, Fani Willis says

Haley partially backtracks on push to verify social media users

08:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley has partially backtracked on her pledge to force social media users to publicly show their real names if she is elected following outrage from her GOP competitors.

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, the former South Carolina governor claimed that online anonymity is a “national security threat” and that her policy would “get rid of” foreign bot armies.

Ms Haley’s Republican rivals immediately pushed back. Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy called her idea “disgusting,” adding: “Alexander Hamilton, John Jay & James Madison wrote the Federalist Papers under pseudonym. Here’s what they would say to Nikki Haley if they were alive: get your heels off my neck & go back to England.”

Read the full article

Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’, rants Trump

06:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump took a break from bashing public officials in his New York civil fraud case and his 2024 rivals to take on Kim Kardashian.

In a rambling Truth Social rant, the former president called the reality TV star-turned-social justice campaigner the “World’s most overrated celebrity.”

His criticism comes as Jonathan Karl writes in his new book, Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party, how the reality star leveraged her celebrity to urge the then-president to commute certain prison sentences.

Kelly Rissman has the story.

Trump rants that Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’

One day after announcing retirement, Texas lawmaker announces election bid...

04:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Texas Congressman Pat Fallon had a change of heart; just one day after announcing his retirement from the House of Representatives, he said he was running for re-election.

On Monday, Rep Fallon filed for Texas state senate District 30. He said that he was stepping down from his role as a member of Congress and would instead run for the Texas state senate, the Texas Tribune reported.

He said that he wanted to spend more time with his family, explaining his reason for stepping down. Mr Fallon has served in Congress since 2021, and before that, he served in the state senate for two years.

Kelly Rissman reports.

Texas lawmaker announces election run one day after announcing retirement

ICYMI: You’re watching ‘UFC-SPAN'

03:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel renamed the Capitol Hill livestream C-SPAN “UFC-SPAN” after a series of fights between members of the Republican party this week.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday night, Mr Kimmel poked fun at a fight that broke out between Senator Markwayne Mullin and Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, during a Senate Committee hearing earlier in the day.

In the dramatic moment, Mr Mullin – a former cage fighter – took to his feet to challenge Mr O’Brien to a physical fight.


Trump and DOJ officials on Hunter Biden subpoena list

02:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Attorneys for Hunter Biden have asked a judge to subpoena Donald Trump and several former US Department of Justice officials in a case surrounding his felony gun charges.

A filing from the legal team for President Joe Biden’s son lists Mr Trump’s “incessant, improper, and partisan pressure” campaign to investigate Hunter, his “incendiary” rhetoric, and a “sustained, almost-nonstop public pressure campaign” from Mr Trump and his allies in Congress who have criticised the Justice Department’s handling of the case.

The proposed subpoenas also seek testimony from former US Attorney General Bill Barr, former deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, and former US Attorney Richard Donoghue.

Alex Woodward reports.

Hunter Biden’s team wants to subpoena Trump and DOJ officials

Back to school for Marjorie Taylor Greene...

01:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Far-right Georgia Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene was schooled on congressional procedure by Democratic Rep Rosa DeLauro, 80, after the Republican mocked her age and suggested that she was forgetting things.

“My Democrat colleague across the aisle, who’s 80 years old and has been here over 30 years, just said we’re on the verge of a shutdown,” Ms Greene said on the House floor on Tuesday night. “She probably just forgot that a few hours ago, she voted for the continuing resolution that will extend the budget, and we are not on the verge of a shutdown. So I just wanted to note that for the record.”

Ms DeLauro, who has represented Connecticut’s 3rd District since 1991, told Ms Greene, who joined the House three decades later in 2021, that “it may be that the gentlelady doesn’t know that there’s another body attached to the US Congress called the United States Senate. And they have to vote on the continuing resolution”.

It’s details like that that matter in government.

Marjorie Taylor Greene schooled by 80-year-old Democrat on shutdown

Trump branded ‘loser’ by Biden for Nazi rhetoric

00:30 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden slammed his predecessor Donald Trump’s aggressive rhetoric, including the use of the word “vermin” to describe opponents, which has been compared to that of fascist leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

In a speech on Veterans Day, Mr Trump argued that his domestic opponents are more of a threat to the US than the likes of China, Russia and North Korea.

Mr Trump, 77, spoke in Claremont, New Hampshire, telling the crowd in his usual grievance-laden parlance: “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

Gustaf Kilander has the story

Trump drops bid to move Stormy Daniels case to federal court

Wednesday 15 November 2023 23:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump dropped his effort to move his hush money case from New York state court to federal court.

On Tuesday, his attorneys asked the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals “to “dismiss his appeal in this case,” after a previous ruling that had declined the relocation, court documents reveal.

The filing came one day before the deadline for Mr Trump’s legal team to submit its brief for why the case should be moved from state to federal court.

The reason for the move is not immediately clear. A lawyer for Mr Trump declined to comment.

Kelly Rissman reports.

Trump abandons bid to move Stormy Daniels case to federal court

Earlier: Lawyer admits to Fulton County proffer video leak as defendants agree protective order

Wednesday 15 November 2023 23:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The defendants in the sprawling Georgia election interference RICO case, and the Fulton County DA’s office, have agreed on a more limited protective order proposed by defendant David Shafer.

Judge McAfee asked whether adopting the order would pave the way for hearings whenever there are disagreements over what constitutes ‘sensitive’ material.

Will Wooten of the DA’s office says they would consider witness proffers, personal identifying information and some business records would be considered sensitive.

Among other things, the order would require the DA’s office to designate certain evidence as “sensitive materials” and give defendants time to contest the designation.

During a roll call to ensure that everyone was in agreement, Jonathan Miller, an attorney for defendant Misty Hampton, says he shared the proffers with a media outlet.

He told Judge McAfee he shared the proffers with the media because the four defendants who had struck plea deals did so in public and to hide the proffers in his mind misleads the public as to what went into those deals and what is going on.

“I don’t believe that two of those defendants were directly related to my client, and I don’t believe that either one of those hurt my client. If anything, I believe they help my client, and the public needs to know that,” Mr Miller argued

There were reports yesterday based on an alleged typo that it was attorneys for defendant Harrison Floyd who had leaked the information, which they vehemently denied.

Before the end of the hearing, Tom Clyde, representing a group of media outlets, objected to the imposition of a protective order saying the standard for one has not been met and that recent events have not given weight to the need for one — there is no physical or economic threat to witnesses.

Mr Clyde notes this is a very different situation to that of grand jurors and jury selection for the upcoming trial.

Speaking for the state, Mr Wooten argued that the media has no standing in this order and that those parties who do have all agreed with only a few specific objections.

Judge McAfee says he will put together a protective order in the same vein as that pitched by David Shafer as everyone is on board including those who do not believe it is needed.

As the hearing wrapped up Harrison Floyd’s lawyers changed their mind and joined media outlets in opposition.

Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’, rants Trump

Wednesday 15 November 2023 22:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump took a break from bashing public officials in his New York civil fraud case and his 2024 rivals to take on Kim Kardashian.

In a rambling Truth Social rant, the former president called the reality TV star-turned-social justice campaigner the “World’s most overrated celebrity.”

His criticism comes as Jonathan Karl writes in his new book, Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party, how the reality star leveraged her celebrity to urge the then-president to commute certain prison sentences.

Kelly Rissman has the story.

Trump rants that Kim Kardashian is world’s ‘most overrated celebrity’

White House warns US nearing end of road on Ukraine support without more funding

Wednesday 15 November 2023 22:20 , Oliver O'Connell

The White House is warning that America could soon lose the ability to provide Ukraine’s defence forces with needed weapons and munitions if Congress doesn’t act to pass the supplemental funding bill proposed by President Joe Biden last month.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Wednesday told reporters that Mr Biden still wants Congress to move funding for Ukraine, Israel, defence needs in the Indo-Pacific and US border security in the single package which the president submitted on 20 October, the day after he delivered an Oval Office address in which he urged the US legislature to maintain “American leadership” in the world by supporting Ukraine and Israel in their defensive struggles against Russia and Hamas.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

US near ‘end of the road’ on Ukraine support without more funding, White House warns

Breaking: Fulton County DA wants to jail Trump co-defendant over witness intimidation

Wednesday 15 November 2023 22:16 , Oliver O'Connell

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked Judge Scott McAfee to jail Donald Trump’s Georgia subversion co-defendant Harrison Floyd because of his efforts to “intimidate co-defendants and witnesses”.

In a court filing, the DA’s office writes:

“As set forth above, since his release from custody, the Defendant has engaged in a pattern of intimidation toward known codefendants and witnesses, direct and indirect communication about the facts of this case to known codefendants and witnesses, and obstruction of the administration of justice in direct violation of this Court’s order. … Moreover, the Defendant’s actions demonstrate that he poses a significant threat of intimidating witnesses and otherwise obstructing the administration of justice in the future, making him ineligible for bond.”

This is the first time the DA’s office has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the sprawling racketeering case concerning attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

Full story to follow...

Does Nancy Mace have dirt on Kevin McCarthy after elbow saga? One GOP rep hints she does...

Wednesday 15 November 2023 22:12 , Oliver O'Connell

The saga between Tim Burchett and Kevin McCarthy has rumbled on into its second day, with the TennesseeRepublican now suggesting that South Carolina congresswoman Nancy Mace has dirt on the former House Speaker.

Speaking on Newsmax on Wednesday, Mr Burchett said that Mr McCarthy “has $17m in an account,” before accusing him of plotting to use the cash to mess with “a lot of people like my and Nancy Mace’s campaigns, I’m sure”.

“I don’t know if he does that with Nancy Mace. She could come back with some stuff that he doesn’t want out there in the public, I think. If you know what I’m saying,” Newsmax co-host Rob Finnerty said.

Kelly Rissman has further details.

GOP rep hints Nancy Mace has dirt on Kevin McCarthy after elbow saga

NY fraud trial: This afternoon in court

Wednesday 15 November 2023 21:57 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump’s defence team’s accounting expert witness, Jason Flemmons, continued his testimony after lunch with direct examination by Jesus Suarez,

After covering the valuation of the Trump brand on licencing deals, Suarez asks: “Was the basis for the valuation of properties in the statements of financial condition accurately described?”

“I believe so, yes,” Mr Flemmons replies.

Suarez asks: “In connection with your review of the [financial statements] and the supporting data, what, if any, GAAP departures did you observe that were not disclosed?”

“I don’t believe I identified any additional discrepancies with GAAP that were not disclosed,” Mr Flemmons answers.

Kevin Wallace, counsel for the New York Attorney General’s office, then began cross-examination. The NY AG tried to have Mr Flemmons barred as a witness as he was a rebuttal to a witness the prosecution had not used after the pre-trial ruling found Mr Trump et al liable for fraud.

Wallace asks about specific transactions and if GAPP departures were disclosed in the financial statements relating to them. Mr Flemmons says he lacks that information.

Asked if someone could make their own valuation of Trump Tower based on the disclosure, he says someone wouldn’t need the disclosure as there are other ways to value the property.

Turning to appraisals of properties — some of which were commissioned but then not used for valuations in financial statements — Mr Flemmons is asked if he didn’t believe they had an obligation to provide accountants with copies of the appraisals for the compilation of the financial statements at the heart of the case.

“That’s correct,” he replies.

Mr Flemmons reiterates that you could perform 12 different valuations using different acceptable methods and only disclose the results of one to accountants compiling financial statements, and that would be fine, according to professional accounting standards.

Cross-examination will continue tomorrow at 10am.

Sen Mullin boasts about almost getting in a fight with union leader

Wednesday 15 November 2023 21:30 , Oliver O'Connell

A GOP senator who nearly started a fight during a committee hearing on Tuesday proudly took a victory lap on Sean Hannity’s show after the incident.

Sen Markwayne Mullin’s attempt to physically brawl with a union boss who had called him a “clown” on social media captured the attention of many on Tuesday and left some questioning the seriousness of the United States Congress.

The moment played out during a meeting of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labour and Pensions (HELP) as members of the Senate heard from Teamsters president Sean O’Brien. Mr O’Brien was in Washington to testify on issues including ongoing collective bargaining efforts in America for a hearing chaired by Senator Bernie Sanders which also touched on America’s spike in EV production.

Mr Mullin ignored the hearing’s premise entirely and instead focused on a series of tweets Mr O’Brien had aimed at the senator following the committee’s last meeting with union leaders.

John Bowden reports on what happened next.

GOP senator boasts about almost getting in a fight with union leader

FBI director bats away bizarre Jan 6 ‘ghost bus’ conspiracy at hearing

Wednesday 15 November 2023 21:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Mike Bedigan reports on more bizarre happenings in Congress:

The director of the FBI has dismissed a suggestion that several so-called “ghost buses” were used by the bureau to help organise the violent protests at the US Capitol on January 6.

Chistopher Wray said he was unfamiliar with the term when presented with the theory by pro-Trump Republican congressman Clay Higgins, who said such vehicles were used for “nefarious” purposes.

The exchange took place during the ongoing hearings into the insurrections in Washington DC, in which thousands of right-wing supporters of former president Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building in an effort to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden after the Democrat won the 2020 election.

On Wednesday, Mr Wray was asked about the possibility of involvement from FBI agents in the events, and the use of vehicles used for “secret purposes”.


FBI chief bats away bizarre Jan 6 ‘ghost bus’ conspiracy at hearing

Recap: Will Donald Trump go to prison?

Wednesday 15 November 2023 20:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump faces four criminal indictments in three separate jurisdictions. Nearly 100 felony criminal charges are leveled against the former president, who remains the odds-on favourite to win the 2024 Republican primary.

As his legal battles grow more complex by the day, a serious question has emerged: Whether Mr Trump will win the nomination and campaign for the general election as a convicted criminal.

That possibility, in turn, raises another, simpler question: Will the 45th President of the United States go to prison?

John Bowden looks at the cases against him.

Will Donald Trump go to prison?

The Rock visits Congress

Wednesday 15 November 2023 20:20 , Oliver O'Connell

The Independent’s Eric Garcia reports from Capitol Hill as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson visits Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer...

Trump’s Georgia RICO trial may not end until after election, Fani Willis says

Wednesday 15 November 2023 20:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The racketeering case against Donald Trump and his allies for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia may not conclude until the beginning of 2025, according to Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.

That means the trial could last through the key final stages of the 2024 election.

“I believe in that case there will be a trial. I believe the trial will take many months. And I don’t expect that we will conclude until the winter or the very early part of 2025,” she said at a Washington Post summit on Tuesday.

Josh Marcus reports.

Trump’s Georgia RICO trial may not end until 2025, Fani Willis says

Trump calls Kim Kardashian ‘world’s most overrated celebrity’ while dismissing latest book about him

Wednesday 15 November 2023 19:54 , Oliver O'Connell

It had been a quiet day on Truth Social, but Donald Trump is rarely quiet for long.

First, he attacked ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl’s new book (Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party), and Kim Kardashian got caught in the social media salvo fired off from the former president’s keyboard.

Here’s what he posted this lunchtime:

Failed ABC Fake News reporter Jonathan Karl just wrote another bad book. He works sooo hard, but has sooo little talent - Some people have it, and some people don’t. In the “book” he has the World’s most overrated celebrity, Kim Kardashian, supposedly telling me that she “would leverage her celebrity to get football stars to come to the White House,” if I would commute the sentences of various prisoners. This story is Fake News in that she would be the last person I asked to get football players. I’ve had many teams, from all sports and leagues, in the White House. If there was even a slight reluctance, I would immediately withdraw the invitation, there would be NO Negotiation - But this did not happen often. I did help with prisoner commutation, but only if deserving, and much more so for Kanye West than for Kim, who probably voted for Crooked Joe Biden, and look at the mess our Country is in now. Many other false stories in Karl’s very boring book, but nothing worth mentioning!

Mr Trump continued 20 minutes later with new (repetitive) commentary on the criminal cases in which he is charged:

These Fake Political cases brought against me could have been filed years ago, but these Crooked and Biased Prosecutors, working closely with my Political Opponent in Washington, D.C., Crooked Joe Biden, waited, and waited, and waited, and filed them right in the middle of my campaign for President. Why do you think that Fani, and Alvin, and Letitia and, of course, the Deranged One, Jack Smith, took sooo long after very publicly (LEAKS!) starting their “work?” ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!! PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT!!!

He’s obviously feeling familiar and comfortable enough with the lead prosecutors to refer to them on a first-name-only basis.

Dramatic moment lawyer admits to Fulton County proffer video leak as defendants agree protective order

Wednesday 15 November 2023 19:23 , Oliver O'Connell

The defendants in the sprawling Georgia election interference RICO case, and the Fulton County DA’s office, have agreed on a more limited protective order proposed by defendant David Shafer.

Judge McAfee asked whether adopting the order would pave the way for hearings whenever there are disagreements over what constitutes ‘sensitive’ material.

Will Wooten of the DA’s office says they would consider witness proffers, personal identifying information and some business records would be considered sensitive.

Among other things, the order would require the DA’s office to designate certain evidence as “sensitive materials” and give defendants time to contest the designation.

During a roll call to ensure that everyone was in agreement, Jonathan Miller, an attorney for defendant Misty Hampton, says he shared the proffers with a media outlet.

He told Judge McAfee he shared the proffers with the media because the four defendants who had struck plea deals did so in public and to hide the proffers in his mind misleads the public as to what went into those deals and what is going on.

“I don’t believe that two of those defendants were directly related to my client, and I don’t believe that either one of those hurt my client. If anything, I believe they help my client, and the public needs to know that,” Mr Miller argued

There were reports yesterday based on an alleged typo that it was attorneys for defendant Harrison Floyd who had leaked the information, which they vehemently denied.

Before the end of the hearing, Tom Clyde, representing a group of media outlets, objected to the imposition of a protective order saying the standard for one has not been met and that recent events have not given weight to the need for one — there is no physical or economic threat to witnesses.

Mr Clyde notes this is a very different situation to that of grand jurors and jury selection for the upcoming trial.

Speaking for the state, Mr Wooten argued that the media has no standing in this order and that those parties who do have all agreed with only a few specific objections.

Judge McAfee says he will put together a protective order in the same vein as that pitched by David Shafer as everyone is on board including those who do not believe it is needed.

As the hearing wrapped up Harrison Floyd’s lawyers changed their mind and joined media outlets in opposition.

Giuliani ally in Ukraine charged with treason

Wednesday 15 November 2023 19:00 , Oliver O'Connell

A Ukrainian MP who previously helped Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani allegedly find dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden has been charged with treason.

Oleksandr Dubinsky was charged after he allegedly joined an organisation formed by the chiefs of Russia’s Military Intelligence (GRU), Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) said in a statement on Monday.

The SBU claimed that the organisation aimed to “take advantage of the tense political situation in Ukraine and discredit our state in the international arena.”

They added that the group received funding from Russian military intelligence totalling more than $10m.

Martha McHardy has the details.

Giuliani ally in Ukraine charged with treason

Full story: Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis could testify in election workers’ defamation trial

Wednesday 15 November 2023 18:29 , Oliver O'Connell

Rudy Giuliani might be headed to the witness stand to testify in his own defence during a trial that will determine how much damage his false statements caused a mother-daughter pair of election workers at the centre of bogus conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election.

Donald Trump’s former attorney, who was found liable for defaming Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, could be called to testify about his false statements as well as his team’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to a Tuesday filing with an outline of the case.

Jenna Ellis, among attorneys alongside Mr Giuliani who launched a spurious legal campaign to overturn election results, also is on the trial’s witness list, along with other Trump-connected figures Bernie Kerik and Christina Bobb, among others.

A trial is scheduled to begin on 11 December and will last up to four days.

Alex Woodward reports.

Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis could testify in election workers’ defamation trial

Paul Pelosi attacker cries during testimony

Wednesday 15 November 2023 18:00 , Oliver O'Connell

David DePape, who’s facing federal charges for a 2022 San Francisco break-in aimed at kidnapping former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has told a court how he fell under the sway of right-wing conspiracy theories online.

Mr DePape was caught on police body camera attacking Ms Pelosi’s husband Paul with a hammer in October 2022, leaving him with serious injuries.

On the stand on Tuesday, the alleged kidnapper described watching conservative podcasters on YouTube and coming to believe in a QAnon-inflected conspiracy that elites were abusing children and that “everything was a lie coming from the press” about Donald Trump, per CNN.

Josh Marcus reports for The Independent from San Francisco.

Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape cries while testifying about conspiracies

Trump drops bid to move Stormy Daniels case to federal court

Wednesday 15 November 2023 17:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump dropped his effort to move his hush money case from New York state court to federal court.

On Tuesday, his attorneys asked the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals “to “dismiss his appeal in this case,” after a previous ruling that had declined the relocation, court documents reveal.

The filing came one day before the deadline for Mr Trump’s legal team to submit its brief for why the case should be moved from state to federal court.

The reason for the move is not immediately clear. A lawyer for Mr Trump declined to comment.

Kelly Rissman has the story.

Trump abandons bid to move Stormy Daniels case to federal court

Marjorie Taylor Greene schooled by 80-year-old Democrat on shutdown

Wednesday 15 November 2023 17:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Far-right Georgia Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene was schooled on congressional procedure by Democratic Rep Rosa DeLauro, 80, after the Republican mocked her age and suggested that she was forgetting things.

“My Democrat colleague across the aisle, who’s 80 years old and has been here over 30 years, just said we’re on the verge of a shutdown,” Ms Greene said on the House floor on Tuesday night. “She probably just forgot that a few hours ago, she voted for the continuing resolution that will extend the budget, and we are not on the verge of a shutdown. So I just wanted to note that for the record.”

Read how Ms DeLauro then had to explain the existence of the United States Senate to Ms Greene...

Marjorie Taylor Greene schooled by 80-year-old Democrat on shutdown

NYAG says Trump trying to distract with mistrial motion

Wednesday 15 November 2023 17:15 , Oliver O'Connell

New York Attorney General Letitia James has commented on the mistrial motion Donald Trump’s legal team has filed in his civil fraud case currently on trial in Lower Manhattan.

“Once again, Donald Trump is trying to dismiss the truth and the facts, but the numbers and evidence don’t lie,” she says.

“Donald Trump is now being held accountable for the years of fraud he committed and the incredible ways he lied to enrich himself and his family,” the attorney general says. “He can keep trying to distract from his fraud, but the truth always comes out.”

Haley says online anonymity is ‘national security threat'

Wednesday 15 November 2023 17:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley has pledged to force social media users to publicly show their real names if she is elected.

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, the former South Carolina governor claimed that online anonymity is a “national security threat” and that her policy would “get rid of” foreign bot armies.

The proposal met immediate pushback from Republican rivals such as Vivek Ramaswamy, who called it “disgusting”, and Ron DeSantis, whose top PR aide Christina Pushaw questioned whether it would violate the US Constitution.

Io Dodds has the story.

Nikki Haley says she would force people to use their real names online if elected

This morning at Trump’s New York civil fraud trial...

Wednesday 15 November 2023 16:46 , Oliver O'Connell

Aside from the motion for a mistrial based on bias allegations against Judge Arthur Engoron and his law clerk that the Trump legal team filed this morning, testimony continued in the Trump Organization civil fraud trial in New York, with expert witness Jason Flemmons back on the stand being questioned by the defence.

Mr Flemmons, who qualifies as an expert having worked for PwC, FTI Consulting and Ankura, as well as an ex-SEC auditor, testifies that accounting regulations allow for “wildly” different valuations depending on different methods, and that doesn’t make them fraudulent.

Asked by Judge Engoron whether he believes the numbers are correct, Mr Flemmons responds: “My testimony is really limited to the methods … not necessary to the numbers that are attached to them.”

On another brief tour of Trump’s real estate assets, Mr Flemmons is asked about the former president’s statements of financial condition, which were compiled by outside accounting firm Mazars.

It transpires through his testimony that the method of determining the value of each property for the purpose of the statements of financial condition was disclosed to the firm in the supporting data.

Mr Flemmons is Asked if Trump had disclosed an improper asset valuation method to Mazars, would the accounting firm be required to bring it up with him.

“Yes … professional standards that are applicable to Mazars would require them to do just that,” he replies.

You’re watching UFC-SPAN

Wednesday 15 November 2023 16:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel renamed the Capitol Hill livestream C-SPAN “UFC-SPAN” after a series of fights between members of the Republican party this week.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday night, Mr Kimmel poked fun at a fight that broke out between Senator Markwayne Mullin and Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, during a Senate Committee hearing earlier in the day.

In the dramatic moment, Mr Mullin – a former cage fighter – took to his feet to challenge Mr O’Brien to a physical fight.

Branding Mr O’Brien a “moron”, he challenged him to “stand your butt up”, to which the union leader replied “you stand your butt up”.

Martha McHardy has the story.

Jimmy Kimmel renames Capitol live-stream ‘UFC-SPAN’ after GOP fights

Meanwhile... ‘Any new reports of member-on-member violence yet today?'

Wednesday 15 November 2023 16:10 , Oliver O'Connell

CNN’s John Berman asked Republican Rep Victoria Spartz: “Have you heard any new reports of member-on-member violence yet today?”

Yesterday was quite a day in Congress for several different reasons...

Georgia: Defendant’s lawyers hit back at Fulton County DA’s office over leak allegations

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:59 , Oliver O'Connell

Lawyers for Trump co-defendant Harrison Floyd have hit back at the Fulton County District Attorney’s office over a court filing made on Tuesday that seemed to imply they had leaked the video clips of the proffer interviews of those defendants who had already pleaded guilty (Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell etc).

As part of the filing, they included an email saying that a previous statement they had leaked to the media was a typo.

“The State knows that Mr Floyd and his team were not the cause of any problem and is wasting valuable resources and it will be shown today.”

A hearing is scheduled for 1.30pm before Judge Scott McAfee.

Full story: Hunter Biden’s team wants to subpoena Trump and DOJ officials

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Attorneys for Hunter Biden have asked a judge to subpoena Donald Trump and several former US Department of Justice officials in a case surrounding his felony gun charges.

A filing from the legal team for President Joe Biden’s son lists Mr Trump’s “incessant, improper, and partisan pressure” campaign to investigate Hunter, his “incendiary” rhetoric, and a “sustained, almost-nonstop public pressure campaign” from Mr Trump and his allies in Congress who have criticised the Justice Department’s handling of the case.

The proposed subpoenas also seek testimony from former US Attorney General Bill Barr, former deputy Attorney general Jeffrey Rose, and former US Attorney Richard Donoghue.

Alex Woodward reports.

Hunter Biden’s team wants to subpoena Trump and DOJ officials

Trump ‘loser’ for Nazi rhetoric says Biden

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:30 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden slammed his predecessor Donald Trump’s aggressive rhetoric, including the use of the word “vermin” to describe opponents, which has been compared to that of fascist leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

In a speech on Veterans Day, Mr Trump argued that his domestic opponents are more of a threat to the US than the likes of China, Russia and North Korea.

Mr Trump, 77, spoke in Claremont, New Hampshire, telling the crowd in his usual grievance-laden parlance: “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

There has been widespread anger at the comments.

Gustaf Kilander has the story.

Biden slams ‘loser’ Trump for Nazi rhetoric

Trump lawyers file mistrial motion in New York fraud case

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:26 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump’s attorneys have filed a mistrial motion in the New York civil fraud case brought against the former president, his sons, and his company the Trump Organization as well as key executives, by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The former president’s defence team argues in part: “This appearance of bias threatens both Defendants’ rights and the integrity of the judiciary as an institution. As developed herein, in this case the evidence of apparent and actual bias is tangible and overwhelming. Such evidence, coupled with an unprecedented departure from standard judicial procedure, has tainted these proceedings and a mistrial is warranted. Specifically, the Court’s own conduct, coupled with the Principal Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield’s (“Principal Law Clerk”) unprecedented role in the trial and extensive, public partisan activities, would cause even a casual observer to question the Court’s partiality. Thus, only the grant of a mistrial can salvage what is left of the rule of law.”

You can read the accompanying memo in support of the arguments here.

This is a developing story, stand by for further details...

Trump 2024 campaign calls for televised Jan 6 trial in latest email plea to supporters

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The Trump 2024 campaign is asking supporters to sign a petition to televise the former president’s federal election interference trial in Washington, DC. An email sent on Tuesday night and again on Wednesday morning reads:


Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of Justice will put me – his leading opponent – on trial the day before Super Tuesday (when I am likely to be named the presumptive presidential nominee). It will be an unprecedented moment in American history.

I firmly believe that the people of our country have a RIGHT to see what takes place in that courtroom – which is why it should be televised for voters to see for themselves.

If there’s no wrongdoing, if everything is honest and fair, then there should be nothing to hide from the public, right?

But the Biden-appointed Special Counsel is trying to keep cameras out of the courtroom.

It really makes you think…

In fact, the Special Counsel specifically fears that I will call the trial a “political witch hunt” on camera.

To not allow voters to see what takes place in the courtroom 24 hours before the most important day of voting in the primary would be a clear act of Election Interference.

That’s why I’m asking you to peacefully demand transparency by signing my petition for cameras in the courtroom.

Here’s our earlier coverage of the issue:

Trump wants to turn Jan 6 case into media ‘carnival,’ Jack Smith warns

Hunter Biden wants to subpoena Trump, Bill Barr, and others in new filing

Wednesday 15 November 2023 15:09 , Oliver O'Connell

Hunter Biden wants to subpoena Donald Trump, former attorney general Bill Barr, Richard Donoghue, and Jeffrey Rosen per a new filing in the three-count felony indictment brought against him in the US District Court for the District of Delaware.

The filing calls out Trump’s “incessant, improper, and partisan pressure” campaign to investigate Mr Biden, his “incendiary” rhetoric, and a “sustained, almost-nonstop public pressure campaign, led by Mr Trump and his allies in Congress, to criticize DOJ’s handling of this case”.

Read the full filing here, and here’s our recent coverage of the case against the president’s son:

Hunter Biden judge agrees to drop old gun count after indictment replaces scuttled plea deal

Court readies for Giuliani defamation damages trial

Wednesday 15 November 2023 14:55 , Oliver O'Connell

Rudy Giuliani’s civil trial to determine how much money he is to pay in damages to two Georgia election workers he defamed will begin on 11 December.

The former mayor of New York was found guilty of defamation in late August. He was sued for defamation by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, a mother and daughter, who served as election workers at the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, Georgia during the 2020 presidential election. The plaintiffs were key witnesses in the January 6 House select committee’s public hearings.

Mr Giuliani was also found liable for claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and punitive damages.

The federal trial starts will last four days trial, with two to three days of witness testimony and arguments. The plaintiffs want to hear from Mr Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Bernie Kerik and Christina Bobb on the witness stand, among others.

Here’s the joint pre-trial submission detailing the case.

And here’s the proposed jury questionnaire.

The Independent will cover the trial live. Here’s our earlier coverage of the case:

Election workers who sued Giuliani awarded default judgment in defamation case

Trump’s federal gag order — what’s happening?

Wednesday 15 November 2023 14:40 , Oliver O'Connell

While federal prosecutors argue that Donald Trump's renewed attacks on the family of special counsel Jack Smith and his repeated attacks against likely witnesses in his federal criminal case warrant the urgent restoration of the gag order against him, a number of Republican attorneys general have jumped into the former president’s appeal against a gag order.

America First has also filed a brief stating its interest in the gag order. They argue the former president’s free speech First Amendment rights are being curtailed.

The special counsel’s team argue that Mr Trump “has persistently used social media to make prejudicial comments about the case and its participants” and that there has been a “pattern, stretching back years, in which people publicly targeted by the defendant are, as a result of the targeting, subject to harassment, threats, and intimidation”.

Indeed the filing (link above) runs through a number of the former president’s social media posts to make the point and notes that he “has taken advantage of administrative stays to engage in targeting of witnesses, as well as prosecutors and their families”.