Trump replies to DOJ appeal in fight to resume criminal probe of Mar-a-Lago documents

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump's lawyers responded Tuesday opposing the Justice Department's appeal aiming to resume the criminal investigation of about 100 classified documents seized at Trump's Florida estate as part of a criminal investigation.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon blocked the department's review while a special master she appointed reviews all 11,000 documents seized at Mar-a-Lago for personal papers or communications with lawyers. The special master, Raymond Dearie, set a Tuesday meeting with lawyers for Trump and the government to outline a schedule for reviewing the documents.

But prosecutors called their investigation urgent because it involves classified records. The government asked the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday to lift Cannon's restriction.

"The district court has entered an unprecedented order enjoining the Executive Branch’s use of its own highly classified records in a criminal investigation with direct implications for national security," government lawyers said in a filing Friday.

Trump's lawyers argued Tuesday that Cannon hadn't made a mistake and that her order wasn't appealable under court rules. Trump has a personal interest in his presidential records, whether they are marked classified or not, the lawyers argued.

"In what at its core is a document storage dispute that has spiraled out of control, the Government wrongfully seeks to criminalize the possession by the 45th President of his own Presidential and personal records," Trump's lawyers said in a filing.

Pages from the order by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon naming Raymond Dearie as special master to serve as an independent arbiter and to review records seized during the FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, is photographed Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Jon Elswick) ORG XMIT: DCJE393
Pages from the order by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon naming Raymond Dearie as special master to serve as an independent arbiter and to review records seized during the FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, is photographed Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. (AP Photo/Jon Elswick) ORG XMIT: DCJE393

FBI agents searched Aug. 8 for evidence of mishandling national defense documents under the Espionage Act or obstruction of justice. Agents seized more than 11,000 government documents at Mar-a-Lago, including 54 marked “secret” and 18 “top secret.” Another 48 empty folders had “classified banners,” and 42 folders were marked with “return to staff secretary/military aide.”

Trump "has no claim for the return of those records, which belong to the government and were seized in a court-authorized search," the government said of the classified records. "The records are not subject to any possible claim of personal attorney-client privilege."

Federal lawyers already identified about 500 pages of personal records to return to Trump, such as medical and tax documents, and records falling under attorney-client privilege. Trump's lawyers argued he faced possible harm from the improper disclosure of sensitive information in the documents.

Trump's handwritten comments on some of the documents could mean they should remain confidential under executive privilege, his lawyers argued. The special master's review could resolve that issue, according to the filing.

"Here, the Government has criminalized a document dispute and now vehemently objects to a transparent process that simply provides much-needed oversight," Trump's lawyers said in the filing.

A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals will consider the case.

Trump has denied wrongdoing. His lawyers argued there was “no indication any purported ‘classified records’ were disclosed to anyone” and said the Secret Service guarded Mar-a-Lago.

While government lawyers argued it was urgent they review the classified documents for potential crimes, Cannon disagreed. She ruled that the government hasn't suggested "any identifiable emergency of imminent disclosure of classified information."

Eleven state attorneys general filed a document supporting Trump and arguing against the Justice Department’s appeal. The state lawyers urged the court to reject the Biden administration’s request to avoid the special master’s review after “ransacking the home of its one-time – and possibly future – political rival.”

“At a minimum, this Court should view the Administration’s assertions of good-faith, neutrality, and objectivity through jaundiced eyes,” said the filing from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton with colleagues from Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia.

The argument contrasted with 10 Republican officials at the federal and state level who argued in favor of the Justice Department’s appeal. The officials argued a former president has no greater protection under the law than any other citizen, and that any claim of executive privilege means the documents belong to the government rather than Trump.

“To the extent that the district court held otherwise, concern for reputational harm is not a valid basis for enjoining a criminal investigation, especially one that is inexorably intertwined with a national security damage assessment,” said the filing led by Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general, and included former Govs. William Weld of Massachusetts and Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump replies to DOJ appeal aiming to probe records seized Mar-a-Lago