Tucker Carlson And Don Lemon Are Reportedly Texting Each Other Now

Politics makes strange bedfellows ― and so does getting kicked off cable.

That’s the word from former CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, who says in Vanity Fair that recently firedFox News host Tucker Carlson is reportedly texting recently fired CNN host Don Lemon.

Stelter said two sources with knowledge of the communication told him that Lemon and Carlson have been texting back and forth in the past few days.

It’s hard to imagine at first, considering the things both anchors have said about each other.

Lemon previously slammed Carlson for “the mainstreaming of white supremacist propaganda” and for claiming America’s white supremacy problem is a hoax.

Meanwhile, Carlson has deliberately mispronounced Lemon’s name for years and once labeled Lemon “a guy who makes millions of dollars a year from presiding over a show that’s failing.”

But now they have some things in common.

Both men were recently fired from their respective jobs after various controversies, and they both also recently hired the same lawyer to sue their respective networks.

It’s possible the two are sharing notes about their cases, but Stelter stresses Lemon and Carlson are still “far from” being friends ― other than the ”obvious kinship that comes from being shoved from such a lofty perch at precisely the same time on the same day.”

Stelter goes into details about how the two ousted newsmen’s contracts differ before he makes perhaps his worst hot take since he suggested that Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ former and disgraced lawyer,could be a viable presidential candidate:

“I know this is crazy, but I’m just going to write it anyway: Could the two men team up? I can imagine some hotshot producer selling a new ′Crossfire’ like it’s for the good of the republic. In fact, some are already floating the idea. Cable news can make for strange bedfellows.”
