TV stars wish boy, 8, luck with mountain climb

Charlie standing in the Mendip Hills
Charlie wants to raise money to help save and protect wildlife [Supplied]

A boy has received video messages of support from wildlife celebrities as he prepares to climb Yr Wyddfa, also known as Snowdon.

Charlie, from Glastonbury, Somerset, wanted to do something to help sick, injured and orphaned animals and has been supported by Michaela Strachan and Chris Packham.

The eight-year-old is climbing the tallest mountain in Wales on Sunday to raise money for Secret World Wildlife Rescue, a charity based in Highbridge.

"I think Secret World is important as wild animals don’t have owners to take care of them," Charlie said.

A young boy in a tracksuit sitting on a rock with a grassy view behind him.
Charlie says he is feeling nervous about the weather [Supplied]

Strachan and Packham are just two of the celebrities who have sent messages to Charlie.

Michaela said that Charlie was "awesome" in her good luck message.

"To attempt it at eight-years-old makes you utterly brilliant," she said.

Charlie said it was "really amazing" to receive their messages of support.

Charlie's mum Jo is taking on the Three Peaks Challenge and he decided to join her for the climb at Snowdon.

Charlie said: "I am quite worried about the weather because you don't want it to be baking hot or freezing cold."

"If it's freezing cold, by the time we get to the top we'll be like mini ice cubes."

He was inspired to help Secret World as he "loves all animals" and said they help the environment.

"Lots of wildlife helps the environment and the environment is beautiful and wildlife is sort of like us and without wildlife the world would be boring," he said.

Charlie added he hoped the money would help the otters at Secret World as that is his favourite area.

Yr Wyddfa in Wales
Yr Wyddfa, also known as Snowdon, is the highest mountain in Wales [GETTY IMAGES]

"Secret World will save them or if they are unwell will treat them in their vet room or hospital until they are better and release them back into the wild.

"I would like to raise money to help them continue saving and looking after these wild animals and build more centres for them," he added.

Charlie's mum Jo said: "I am so proud of Charlie, he is totally awesome."

George Bethell, head of education at Secret World Wildlife Rescue, said: “The challenge Charlie has taken on to raise money for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife is incredible.

"It is great to see someone so young with such a passion for helping wildlife."

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