The TVLine Performers of the Week: Daya Vaidya and Chad L. Coleman

THE PERFORMERS | Daya Vaidya and Chad L. Coleman

THE SHOW |  Superman & Lois

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THE EPISODE |  “Complications” (June 6, 2023)

THE PERFORMANCES |  As the Mannheims’ story drew to an emotional close, Vaidya and Coleman excelled at doing that thing that is not easy to do on a superhero series — make you truly feel for the bad guys.

Of course, Peia was no villain by design; rather, she often was portrayed as struggling with her ability to manipulate sound, all whilst dealing with her very real cancer. Bruno meanwhile was determined, if at times misguided in his approach, to cure his wife of all that ails her, no matter what it takes.

But this week, the marrieds — on the cusp of escaping somewhere idyllic with son Matteo — hit a wall when it became clear that the latest dose of the cure that Bruno developed for Peia had reached a point of diminishing returns.

“We went too far,” Peia wailed to her husband, as endless waves and waves of debilitating pain started making her double over. “I didn’t want any of this!”

Here and in her scenes that followed — as throughout this entire Season 3 arc — Bosch alum Vaidya communicated the conflict that has coursed within Peia, a woman so strong in her resolve yet caught in an impossible situation.

And with Bruno, Coleman gave us a formidable foe for Superman and John Henry, yes, but we always knew that his ferocity was born out of a love for his wife, as well as his commitment to improving the lot in life for all who live in Hobbs Bay.

When Bruno tasked Elias with fetching more cure, Peia went to wave off the henchman — and in doing so, accidentally disintegrated him with her sonic powers. In that instant, we saw in Vaidya the sheer horror that Peia felt, having so violently ended a life.

Peia fled to the streets, which were literally shook by her out-of-control powers. When Superman showed up to neutralize the threat, Peia, through tears of anguish, assured him, “No one can help me now.” (Kudos to the sound design and VFX teams, for so effectively rendering the sonic pulses.)

“It hurts. It hurts so much…,” she sobbed. So Supes, having learned a thing from Lois’ cancer support group, invited Peia to “let go,” saying that Bruno and Matteo wouldn’t want her to suffer. He then flew Peia high up into the atmosphere, where she could let loose with one final, enormous sonic pulse.

Bruno had been on the terrace outside his office this whole time, huddled with Matteo and fearing the worst. He even appealed to his adversary John Henry, to ask if there might be anything within Superman’s powers to help Peia. But the way Coleman delivered that query, you knew that Bruno sensed there was only one outcome here. And it was confirmed when Superman quietly floated over to the terrace, cradling a lifeless Peia.

“She’ll love you both. Forever and always,” Superman said to Bruno and Matteo, relaying the message Peia whispered to him earlier. And as Bruno hugged his late wife for all it was worth, Coleman ensured we knew how incredibly bereft the Hobbs Bay power player now was.

Read on to see who scored Honorable Mention shout-outs this week…

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