Tyler Rehman, high school football QB, makes waves in Maryland

An Ottawa teenager is getting a lot of attention in the world of U.S. high school football, thanks to a full scholarship and a lot of hard work.

Tyler Rehman, 15, is the starting quarterback at a prestigious boarding school in Maryland. He's playing against those who are three and four years older than he is, and he's breaking records while he's at it.

There's no such thing as time off for Rehman, who is back home in Ottawa for a few days.

"When I'm home and stuff I'm working hard," Rehman said.

"Almost every day I'm out at the field for two hours and then I'll go in the weight room, … and then right after the weight room we'll go to [my friend's] house, we'll watch watch some film, … and then we'll take a break, I'll go back to my house for a little bit, and then he'll come pick me up at eight o'clock and we're under the lights until about midnight, just throwing the football."

Rehman grew up playing football in Kanata and now he's on a $40,000 per year football scholarship at the prestigious Saint James School in Maryland.

His longtime Ottawa-based coach is excited.

"For him to get the chance to start as a freshman, whether he's American or Canadian, it's huge. And the fact that he's coming from Kanata and doing it is even bigger," said Wayne Jacobs, a coach at the National Capital Quarterback Academy.

"It's a huge deal."

So far, Rehman's on-field performance is impressive. He threw 24 touchdown passes this season, which is a new record in the county where he plays.

He's made some headlines in Maryland newspapers and while the attention can be intimidating, Rehman said it goes with the territory.

"I can't lie, it's been quite a ride. It's been my dream since I was young to go out and play American high school football, so I'm dream-chasing right now," he said.

"It's been fun, I'm enjoying it, but there are growing pains and stuff, though. Definitely being away from home. I miss my mom, I miss my family, that kind of stuff. I miss my coaches, everyone back here. I kind of gave up my life here to go and pursue another life, so it all comes with dream-chasing I guess."

Rehman said he dreams of playing the game and studying at the University of Southern California (USC) and to play professionally.