Ukraine extends electricity supply restrictions as demand surges

Ukrenergo changed the shutdown schedules for June 11
Ukrenergo changed the shutdown schedules for June 11

Electricity supply restrictions for consumers have been extended from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. EET across Ukraine, the country's power grid operator, Ukrenergo, reported on Telegram on June 11.

The statement cited a surge in electricity consumption as the reason for the schedule adjustment.

“Consumption during the heat continues to rise and shows no signs of decrease,” Ukrenergo said.

Read also: Ukraine restores reliable energy connection with Europe

“Compounded by extensive damage, Ukrainian power plants are unable to generate the same levels of electricity as before the [Russian] attacks. To address the energy deficit, imports and emergency aid from European nations are being utilized. However, given the scale of the damage, these measures fall short of stabilizing the energy grid. Therefore, the Ukrenergo Dispatch Center is forced to implement consumption restrictions for both industrial and household consumers.”

Emergency power outages have been implemented in Kyiv since May 4 due to exceeding consumption limits. Throughout the day, the capital experienced three two-hour power outages.

Kyiv has faced the most difficult situation with electricity supply in recent days, Yasno energy company CEO Serhiy Kovalenko explained on June 4.

The Trypillia TPP in Kyiv Oblast was destroyed in an April 11 Russian attack, resulting in a 100% loss of Centrenergo’s generation.

Read also: Ukraine struggles with energy crisis as 73% of large TPPs out of action – PM Shmyhal

DniproHES lost both power plants in March 2024. The dam survived, but the equipment was destroyed, and the restoration of the Dnipro HPP will take years.

The TPP-5 in Kharkiv was destroyed. Its restoration is equivalent to building a new plant, which will also take years.

Kharkiv Oblast’s Zmiivska TPP (Centrenergo) was destroyed.

DTEK Group (owned by Rinat Akhmetov) reported an 80% loss in generation.

Read also: Situation in energy system to improve as additional NPP unit starts operating soon - Ukrenergo

All units of the Burshtyn and Ladyzhyn TPPs were damaged.

A gas storage facility in western Ukraine also suffered damage.

Two HPPs were decommissioned as of May 9.

Controlled emergency power outages were introduced in all of Ukraine’s oblasts from May 14.

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