Ukraine Independence Day - live: Boris Johnson says Kyiv ‘can win war’ on surprise visit

Boris Johnson has said Ukraine “can and will win this war” on a surprise trip to Kyiv, exactly six months after Vladimir Putin launched his invasion.

The outgoing British prime minister also announced a new £54m package for Ukraine, including 200 state-of-the-art drones.

News of his visit followed the British defence secretary Ben Wallace’s comments that Russia finds itself in a “very fragile position”, with its forces in Ukraine’s Donbas region advancing by “metres per week, not miles”.

The British minister added his belief that Ukraine could soon retake territory, citing the morale of Ukrainian soldiers, which he said was “leagues ahead” of their Russian peers.

As Ukraine celebrated Independence Day on Wednesday, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said his country has been “reborn” through its fight for freedom.

“A new nation appeared in the world on 24 February at 4 in the morning. It was not born, but reborn. A nation that did not cry, scream or take fright. One that did not flee. Did not give up. And did not forget,” he said.

Key Points

  • Boris Johnson says Ukraine ‘can and will win war’ on surprise visit to Kyiv

  • Russia in ‘very fragile position’, says UK

  • Ukraine reborn when Russia invaded, says Zelensky

  • Kyiv warns of likely Russian attacks as Ukraine marks Independence Day

  • Putin’s war ‘strategically harmful’ for Russia, says MoD

  • US to send $3 billion in aid to Ukraine as war hits six months

Boris Johnson says Ukraine ‘can and will win war’ on surprise visit to Kyiv

14:44 , Rory Sullivan

Boris Johnson has said Ukraine “can and will win the war” against Russia on his latest surprise trip to Kyiv.

Arriving in the capital on Ukrainian Independence Day, he announced a new £54m package for Kyiv, including 200 state-of-the-art drones.

“The UK will continue to stand with our Ukrainian friends. I believe Ukraine can and will win this war,” Mr Johnson said.

Boris Johnson in Ukraine to tell Zelensky he ‘can and will win the war’

Ukrainian ambassador criticises Pope Francis

14:25 , Rory Sullivan

Ukraine’s ambassador to the Vatican has taken the unusual step of publicly criticising the Pope.

Andrii Yurash was responding to a “disappointing” comment made by Pope Francis earlier today.

In a tweet, Mr Yurash upbraided the leader of the Catholic Church for listing Darya Dugina, the daughter of a Russian ultra-nationalist, as an example of an innocent victim of war.

“How (is it) possible to mention one of ideologists of (Russian) imperialism as innocent victim?” he said, adding that the “aggressor and victim” cannot be spoken about in the same terms.

Ms Dugina, a young Russian journalist, was recently killed by a car bomb near Moscow. The Kremlin has blamed Ukraine for the attack, but Kyiv alleges that the Putin regime ordered the hit to drum up support for its unpopular war.

Germany ‘stands firmly’ by Ukraine, says Scholz

13:55 , Rory Sullivan

German chancellor Olaf Scholz has said his country “stands firmly by Ukraine‘s side in this hour of danger”.

Speaking on Ukrainian Independence Day, he said “the dark shadow of Russia’s brutal war of aggression” overshadowed the celebrations.

“Our borders and our hearts remain open for all those who are forced to flee the terror imposed on them by Russia,” he added.

“Germany stands firmly by Ukraine‘s side in this hour of danger - today and for as long as Ukraine needs our support. Your yellow and blue flag and that of the EU, with yellow stars on a blue background, are cut from the same cloth.”

Support for Ukraine will never waver, says Keir Starmer

13:36 , Adam Forrest

Sir Keir Starmer has visited Ukrainian and British Army personnel training on Salisbury Plain to mark the country’s Independence Day.

The Labour leader said he had “reiterated the Labour party’s unrelenting support for Ukrainian sovereignty as the country fights back against Putin’s barbarity”.

Starmer said: “Our commitment to the Ukrainian people will never waver.”

He added: “It is clear Russia’s attack will have long-term implications for Ukraine and the rest of Europe. British defence and security services will continue to be a vital force for countering Russian aggression, and they will always have our full backing.”

Ukraine’s Independence Day in pictures

13:15 , Rory Sullivan

Ukrainian Independence Day is being marked in major cities all across Europe:

Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena lay flowers at the Memory Wall of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine. (via REUTERS)
Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena lay flowers at the Memory Wall of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine. (via REUTERS)
A man holds a Ukrainian flag at a demonstration in Nice, France, on 24 August, 2022. (AFP via Getty Images)
A man holds a Ukrainian flag at a demonstration in Nice, France, on 24 August, 2022. (AFP via Getty Images)
European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen marches beside a Ukrainian flag in Brussels. (AP)
European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen marches beside a Ukrainian flag in Brussels. (AP)

Majority of Americans back extended support for Ukraine, poll finds

12:56 , Rory Sullivan

A majority of Americans believe the Biden administration should continue to arm Kyiv until Russian troops withdraw, a new poll has found.

This comes as the US prepares to announce a further $3bn assistance package for Ukraine.

In the study of more than 1,000 people, 53 per cent said they backed supporting “until all Russian forces are withdrawn from territory claimed by Ukraine”. Only 18 per cent said they opposed this course of action.

British government cannot ‘guarantee’ more money for hosts of Ukraine refugees

12:36 , Adam Forrest

The British government has urged more people to take in Ukrainian refugees, but has refused to allocate more money to host families.

Refugee minister Lord Harrington has said the monthly £350 payments to sponsors of Ukrainian refugees should double to £700 to help them carry on hosting people for longer than six months amid the cost of living crisis.

Lord Harrington said he has been lobbying the Treasury “very hard” to double the “thank you” payment for Homes for Ukraine scheme sponsors.

“I can’t give them any guarantee right now,” defence minister James Heappey told BBC Breakfast on Wednesday.

“There are some that are finding it hard to continue to host their Ukrainian guests...Therefore we need to look at how we are going to continue to support them.”

Portuguese foreign minister visits Kyiv on Ukrainian Independence Day

12:17 , Rory Sullivan

Portuguese foreign minister Joao Cravinho has said he is “honoured” to be in Kyiv today for Ukrainian Independence Day.

He added that Russia had “sought and failed to crush” Ukraine’s independence.

Dmytro Kuleba, his Ukrainian counterpart, held talks with him in the capital.

Moscow reportedly sending Ukrainian children to Russia

11:58 , Rory Sullivan

The Russian authorities are forcibly resettling Ukrainian children in Russia, sources close to the Kremlin have said.

They confirmed the development in a website post that was subsequently taken down:

Russian ‘shackles’ worse than Russian ‘missiles’, says Zelensky

11:38 , Rory Sullivan

Russian “shackles” are worse than Russian “missiles” to Ukrainians, Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

On his country’s Independence Day, the Ukrainian president reiterated that his administration will not hold peace talks with the Kremlin.

“We will not sit down at the negotiating table out of fear, with a gun pointed at our heads. For us, the most terrible iron is not missiles, aircraft and tanks, but shackles. Not trenches, but fetters,” he said.

A Ukrainian soldier called Yevhen had a similar view. “All of our people are cheering for us. The whole country is, and other countries who help us too. Our fighting spirit is greater than theirs,” he told Reuters.

‘Calm’ mood in Kyiv despite fears of Russian attacks

11:18 , Rory Sullivan

Ukrainians have been warned to expect Russian airstrikes today, as the country celebrates its independence from the Soviet Union 31 years ago.

For the time being, all appears calm in Kyiv:

Macron: France must make sacrifices

11:04 , Rory Sullivan

French president Emmanuel Macron has said his country must make sacrifices, as inflation spirals in the wake of the Ukraine war.

“Freedom has a cost,” he said. “The battles we have to fight...will only be won through our efforts.”

Referring to crises like the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the current drought in Europe, the president said the world was going through “a big shift, a big change”. He added that the world faced the end of “a certain carefreeness”.

His warning to the French public came as two sources close to the Kremlin told Reuters that Russia is hoping that Europe is affected by gas shortages this winter.

“It’s going to be a difficult winter for Europeans. We could see protests, unrest. Some European leaders might think twice about continuing to support Ukraine and think it’s time for a deal,” one of them said.

Map of Ukraine war

10:45 , Rory Sullivan

The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has just published a map showing Russia’s current positions in Ukraine:

Video: Zelensky says Ukraine ‘reborn’ by fight for freedom

10:30 , Rory Sullivan


UK imports from Russia collapsed 97% after Ukraine invasion, official figures show

10:19 , Rory Sullivan

UK imports from with Russia collapsed 96.7 per cent in the wake of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, official figures show.

Imports of goods from Russia totalled £33 million in June 2022, the lowest level since records began in January 1997, the Office for National Statistics reported.

“The economic sanctions applied by the UK Government are likely to have driven the decreases in imports from and exports to Russia; however self-sanctioning, whereby traders voluntarily seek alternatives to Russian goods, is also likely a factor,” the ONS added.

UK imports from Russia collapsed 97% after Ukraine invasion

How to help and support the people of Ukraine

10:02 , Rory Sullivan

As the Ukraine war enters its seventh month, my colleagues Kate Ng and Joanna Whitehead take a look at how you can support the people of Ukraine.

They list the charities you can donate to and suggest ways of helping Ukrainian refugees in the UK.

How to help and support the people of Ukraine as war reaches six-month point

Pope calls for ‘concrete steps’ to end Ukraine war

09:56 , Rory Sullivan

Pope Francis has said all war is “madness”, while calling for “concrete steps” to be taken to end the conflict in Ukraine.

During his weekly general audience, the head of the Catholic Church also said the risk of “nuclear disaster” at the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia plant in Ukraine must be averted.

This comes as Rafael Grossi, the International Atomic Energy Agency chief, said experts could be allowed to visit the site soon.

“I’m continuing to consult very actively and intensively with all parties,” Mr Grossi said in a statement on Tuesday. “The mission is expected to take place within the next few days if ongoing negotiations succeed.”

Video: Boris Johnson marks Ukrainian Independence Day

09:50 , Rory Sullivan

Pro-Kremlin official killed in car bomb in Ukraine

09:40 , Rory Sullivan

The Russia-installed leader of a small Ukrainian town was killed in a car bomb on Tuesday, the region’s Moscow-backed administration has said.

Ivan Sushko, the head of Mykhailivka, a town of 11,000 people, died in hospital after the attack.

His death is the latest in a string of assassinations of Russian-installed officials in occupied Ukraine.

Zelensky says Ukraine was ‘reborn’ when Russia invaded in emotional Independence Day speech

09:27 , Rory Sullivan

As mentioned in my earlier post, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has said his country has reshaped itself through its fight against the Russian invasion.

Katy Clifton and Divya Soundararajan have been on his speech:

Volodymyr Zelensky says Ukraine was ‘reborn’ when Russia invaded six months ago

Ex-mayor arrested in Russia for ‘discrediting military’

09:16 , Rory Sullivan

The Putin regime continues to stifle freedom of speech and muzzle critics at home.

On Wednesday, the former mayor of Yekaterinburg - the country’s fourth largest city - was arrested on charges of discrediting the Russian army. If convicted, he could be jailed for up to five years.

Yevgeny Roizman, 59, is one of the most prominent anti-Kremlin figures.

Russia ‘grinding’ in attempt to advance in Ukraine, says British defence secretary

08:53 , Adam Forrest

Russia remains in a “very fragile position” and is making little progress in Ukraine, UK defence secretary Ben Wallace has said.

Wallace told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Russia’s advance can be measured in metres per week, not miles.

“It is grinding in small parts of the country in an attempt to advance – completely opposite of the three-days special operation that it touted at the beginning of this, six months ago.”

On whether Ukraine is realistically in a position to retake territory, Wallace said: “I think Ukraine is getting itself into that position...if you look at the morale of the Ukrainian forces, it is leagues ahead of the Russian morale, which is poorly-trained troops, etc.”

Ukraine war: Six months in photos

08:50 , Rory Sullivan

Six months of conflict have cost thousands of Ukrainian civilians their lives.

Here are some images of the war which Russia launched on 24 February:

A resident walks amid rubble in Borodyanka, Ukraine, on 5 April, 2022. (AP)
A resident walks amid rubble in Borodyanka, Ukraine, on 5 April, 2022. (AP)
A man cycles past flames after a Russian attack in Kharkiv on 25 March, 2022. (AP)
A man cycles past flames after a Russian attack in Kharkiv on 25 March, 2022. (AP)
Russian soldiers fire a heavy mortar in Ukraine on 22 July, 2022. (AP)
Russian soldiers fire a heavy mortar in Ukraine on 22 July, 2022. (AP)
Smoke rises above the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol on 7 May, 2022. (AP)
Smoke rises above the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol on 7 May, 2022. (AP)

Support for Ukraine must continue until Putin withdraws his forces, says Johnson

08:36 , Rory Sullivan

The UK will never recognise Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea “or any other Ukrainian territory”, Boris Johnson has said.

The outgoing British prime minister said London would support Ukraine until Russian troops withdrew from the “entirety” of its territory.

His words came as the UK and Ukraine began talks on a “landmark” digital trade agreement, aimed at providing support for Ukrainian jobs, livelihoods, and families after Russia’s invasion.

Support for Ukraine must continue until Putin withdraws his forces, says Johnson

Norway and Britain to supply micro drones to Ukraine

08:19 , Rory Sullivan

Norway and Britain will give Ukraine micro drones to help it fight off Russian troops, the Norwegian Defence Ministry has said.

In a statement on Wednesday, the ministry said the cost of the Teledyne Flir Black Hornet drones, which are used to identify targets, is around $9.26 million (£7.84m).

US to send $3 billion in aid to Ukraine as war hits six months

08:05 , Rory Sullivan

Six months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the US is expected to give Kyiv another $3 billion (£2.5bn) to train and equip Ukrainian forces.

The package, expected to be announced on Wednesday, marks a shift to a longer-term campaign that will likely keep more American military troops in Europe, US officials said.

My colleague Lolita C.Baldor has more details here:

US to send $3 billion in aid to Ukraine as war hits six months

Putin’s war ‘strategically harmful’ for Russia, says MoD

07:55 , Rory Sullivan

Vladimir Putin’s war has proven “costly and strategically harmful”, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said.

In a post to mark Ukrainian Independence Day, the MoD wrote that the Kremlin had failed to achieve its military objectives and was struggling to make progress in its Donbas offensive, as its army has been “significantly degraded” by losses.

Russia’s “diplomatic power has been diminished and its long-term economic outlook is bleak”, it added.

Ukraine reborn when Russia invaded, says Zelensky

07:51 , Rory Sullivan

Ukraine was reborn when Russia invaded it six months ago today, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

In a speech to mark 31 years of Ukrainian independence, he promised his people that their country would reclaim Crimea and other Russian-held territory.

“A new nation appeared in the world on 24 February at 4 in the morning. It was not born, but reborn. A nation that did not cry, scream or take fright. One that did not flee. Did not give up. And did not forget,” he said.

Dressed in his trademark combat fatigues, the 44-year-old added: “What for us is the end of the war? We used to say: peace. Now we say: victory.”

Tugendhat woken up by air raid siren in Kyiv

07:47 , Rory Sullivan

Former Tory leadership contender Tom Tugendhat has disclosed he is in Kyiv as Ukraine marks 31 years since it declared independence from the Soviet Union.

“Here in Kyiv we’re in shelters after being woken by the air raid siren,” the foreign affairs select committee chairman tweeted.

He later wrote that Ukraine’s fight for liberty was the fight for everyone’s freedom:

Zelensky warns of ‘repugnant provocations’ from Russia on Ukrainian Independence Day

07:43 , Rory Sullivan

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky warned that Russia could stage “repugnant...provocations” on Wednesday to mar Ukrainian Independence Day.

Speaking on Tuesday evening, he urged the public to respond to air raid sirens quickly.

“We are fighting against the most terrible threat to our statehood and also at a time when we have achieved the greatest level of national unity,” he said.

The warning comes after he expressed optimism that his country would win the war and restore Ukrainian rule over Crimea, a peninsula Russia annexed in 2014.

07:40 , Rory Sullivan

Good morning, and welcome to The Independent’s live coverage of the Ukraine war, which Vladimir Putin started exactly six months ago.

Stay tuned as we bring you the latest from Kyiv and elsewhere as Ukraine celebrates Independence Day.