Ukrainians on P.E.I. hope to celebrate victory for homeland in 2023

The cold weather didn't parents dozens of people from rallying in support of Ukraine on Saturday. (Stacey Janzer/CBC - image credit)
The cold weather didn't parents dozens of people from rallying in support of Ukraine on Saturday. (Stacey Janzer/CBC - image credit)

About 100 people gathered at Charlottetown's city hall on Saturday to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.

There was a moment of silence before the Ukrainian flag was raised.

The Ukrainian anthem was played. Onlookers heard speeches that included appreciation for ongoing support.

They marched down Queen Street carrying signs and flags.

It has been one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, with the death toll in the thousands.

250 settled on P.E.I.

About 250 Ukrainians have settled on P.E.I. since the war began, including Elina Lialiuk.

"The worst thing about the war is that nobody knows when it is going to end but, hopefully, this year we are going to celebrate our victory," she said at the rally.

On Friday, the federal government announced it will send another four tanks to Ukraine to support the country, in addition to the four Canada pledged to Ukraine earlier this year. Canada also will send an armoured recovery vehicle and 5,000 rounds of ammunition.