Under the Dome: How much have NC’s candidates for governor raised this year?

Hello and welcome to your Under the Dome newsletter. Avi Bajpai here.

Attorney General Josh Stein and Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson continue to dominate fundraising in the final stretch ahead of next week’s primary election for governor.

The Democratic and Republican frontrunners both maintained a significant edge over their primary opponents in the first reporting period of the year, which ran from Jan. 1 to Feb. 17.

But it was Stein who continued to raise the most out all of the candidates, raising more than three times the amount Robinson’s campaign took in, and growing his cash on hand advantage over the lieutenant governor.

In the first seven weeks of the year, Stein raised nearly $2.2 million. By mid-February, Stein reported having $12.7 million in the bank.

Over that same period, Robinson’s campaign raised just under $717,000, and reported having $4.4 million on hand.

With nearly thrice as much money in the bank than Robinson, Stein has amassed a substantial, early lead in the fundraising battle. Of course, once voters choose Democratic and Republican nominees to advance to the general election on Tuesday, there will be another eight full months of campaigning and fundraising left.

And then there’s also spending by party organizations like the Democratic and Republican Governors Associations, political action committees, and other outside groups.

Fundraising among other gubernatorial candidates

Former N.C. Supreme Court Justice Mike Morgan, Stein’s main opponent in the Democratic primary, reported raising $33,000 over the first seven weeks of the year. Morgan’s campaign reported having just over $44,000 in the bank by the end of the period.

In the Republican primary, Salisbury businessman and attorney Bill Graham continued to self-fund most of his campaign, loaning his campaign $1.7 million, and posting total receipts of $1.8 million. By mid-February, Graham reported having just under $115,000 on hand.

State Treasurer Dale Folwell raised nearly $95,000, and ended the reporting period with around $468,000 on hand.

That’s all for today. Check your inbox Sunday for more #ncpol news.